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Advisory Committee Minutes March 22, 2005
Advisory Committee                                              Present:        Christopher Slade
March 22, 2005                                                          David Bosselait
                                                                                Wendy Rogers
                                                                                Panny Gerken
David Lindsay
Scott Powell
The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.

Article 5:  Fiscal Year 2006 Funds to Evaluate the Purchase of Future Electronics
Ms. Ross informed the Advisory Committee that the Town of Stow came up with a plan to hire an architect for $8,800 an analysis of the future Electronics building to determine its feasibility for moving students to this location. Stow has agreed to split the cost with the Town of Bolton, therefore the Selectmen would like to request a transfer in the amount of $4,400 for this purpose. Mr. Troup suggested that the present article 5 requesting $30,000 be reduced by the $4,400.  

The Advisory Committee took a look at their reserve fund balance at present which is $116,487.91.  Given the Advisory Committee’s snow and sand deficit which totals $225,000 at this point with an additional $50,000 being requesting this evening Mr. Bosselait’s calculates approximately $83,000 will be needed from our reserve fund for the snow and sand.  Ms. Ross stated that the Selectmen could give $400 from their engineer account along with $2,000 from the Town Administrator’s account that was originally for a town hall space study.  

On a motion made by Bosselait and seconded by Lindsay the Advisory Committee voted to approve a transfer in the amount of $2,000.  The article will be reduced to $25,600.
On a motion made by Slade and seconded by Gerken the Advisory Committee voted to give their recommendation on town meeting floor.  (Slade – yes, Gerken – yes, Powell – yes, Bosselait – yes, Rogers – yes, Lindsay – yes)

Article 23:  Acceptance of the Preliminary Design for the Bolton Public Library
Bob Zak and Ann Hurd met with the Advisory Committee and reviewed provided design of the proposed library.  

On a motion made by Bosselait and seconded by the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Slade – yes, Gerken – yes, Powell – yes, Bosselait – yes, Rogers – yes, Lindsay – no)
Mr. Lindsay informed the group that he was not favorable to the proposed design stating that it is too large of a building for the Town of Bolton.  The approving members stated that the vote was approved only to enable the State funding to move forward.

Article 6:  Fiscal Year 2006 Purchase of a Used Highway Truck:  On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Rogers the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.   (Slade – yes, Gerken – no, Powell – yes, Bosselait – no, Rogers – yes, Lindsay – yes)

Article 7:  Fiscal year 2006 Installation of Sidewalks along Main Street:   On a motion made by Slade and seconded by Powell the Advisory Committee approved the article with the understanding it would be reduced to $2,000 for the surveying of the private property prior to the planning phase of the project.  

On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded Powell by the Advisory Committee approved the article.  (Slade – yes, Gerken – yes, Powell – yes, Bosselait – yes, Rogers – yes, Lindsay – yes)
Article 16:  Amendment to Administrative Bylaws, Section 1.3 Advisory Committee – Chris Slade to write the summary.

Article 19:  Funding for Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund:  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded Lindsay by the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Slade – yes, Gerken – yes, Powell – yes, Bosselait – yes, Rogers – no, Lindsay – yes)

Article 24, Article 25 & Article 26:   Citizen’s Petitions:  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Lindsay the Advisory Committee voted recommend to pass over.  (Slade – yes, Gerken – yes, Powell – yes, Bosselait – yes, Rogers – yes, Lindsay – yes)

Town Administrator Jodi Ross provided some revisions to the Budget. (Library, Parks/Rec, Highway, Town Clerk, Board of Assessors)

Article 9:  Fiscal Year 2006 Operating Budget:  Park/Rec changed to $11,598; Dog Fund changed to $14,934  On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by the Advisory Committee approved this article.  (Slade – yes, Gerken – yes, Powell – yes, Bosselait – yes, Rogers – yes, Lindsay – yes)

Snow/Sand:  On a motion made by Bosselait and seconded Gerken by the Advisory Committee approved snow and sand over spent in the amount of $11,000.   (Slade – yes, Gerken – yes, Powell – yes, Bosselait – yes, Rogers – yes, Lindsay – yes)  The Advisory Committee will send the message to the DPW that they must be frugal going forward.

Assabet Student tuition:  On a motion made by Bosselait and seconded by Lindsay the Advisory Committee approved a transfer in the amount of $5,755 for an Assabet student. (Slade – yes, Gerken – yes, Powell – yes, Bosselait – yes, Rogers – yes, Lindsay – yes)

Advisory voted tonight to transfer $2000 from reserve towards the Future Electronics study; Jodi Ross, Town Administrator agreed to take $2000 from 123 Town Administrator Purchase of
Service, and the Selectmen will use the remaining $400 from their Purchase of Service account.~

Town Administrator Jodi Ross shared cash flow projections for FY05 and FY06 that was prepared by Julie Costello, Town Accountant and Joanne Jenkins, Town Treasurer.

The Advisory Committee reviewed the Advisory Committee Statement; David Bosselait will review and forward to all for review prior to sending Town Secretary Linda Day on Wednesday.

Meeting adjourned.