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Advisory Committee Minutes April 12, 2005
Advisory Committee                              Present:        Christopher Slade
April 12, 2005                                                  Wendy Rogers
                                                                Scott Powell
                                                                David Lindsay
                                                                Panny Gerken

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.  Minutes of February 15, March 1, March 13, March 15, March 29 were read and approved.

Present for the meeting:  Daniel Senie

On a motion made by Rogers and seconded by Gerken the Advisory Committee approved a transfer from the reserve fund from Kelly Collins, Library Director, in the amount of $247.85 to account 610 Library, line item 5580 for books.  The amount requested will be used for the replacement of lost, missing or damaged library materials.  The amount of $247.85 returned to the general fund.
(Slade – yes, Rogers – yes, Powell – yes, Lindsay – yes, Gerken – yes)

On a motion made by Rogers and seconded by Gerken the Advisory Committee approved a transfer from the reserved fund from Harold Brown, DPW Director,  in the amount of $2,832.36 for the snow and ice deficit.  (Slade – yes, Rogers – yes, Powell – yes, Lindsay – yes, Gerken – yes)

Town Administrator Ross stated that results of the additional 10 test pits requested by the Board of Selectmen showed contamination in the back of the Smith property.  Significant debris, more petroleum products and ash (arsenic) were found.  There is also a lot of junk.

Loitherstein recommends that the next thing to be done would be to perform soil borings and install groundwater monitoring wells and do 11 additional soil borings.  To do this would cost an additional $7-8,000.  The LSP for the Smith family met with Ms. Ross today to see if the town would be proceeding with additional testing or if the Smith family will need to proceed with additional testing.   It would take approximately a year to clean up and if cleaned up within a year would cost $50,000 less than if it took longer than a year.  A plan for this cleanup is being drafted.  He would like to know what the town is going to do so that this can be incorporated into the draft plan for clean up.

Testing will be done on the Bing property, contamination has been found at the Coggeshalls.

The decision to be made by the Town:  are we going to take the next step, or are the Smiths going to take the next step.
The Advisory Committee concurred with Mr. Slade’s suggestion that remaining $11,000 from the article be traded for a first refusal.

Present for Margaret Campbell
Mr. Slade stated that he has been working on Emerson and Florence Sawyer sewage system.   The plan prepared by Ducharme and Wheeler for rotating sandfilters has been approved by DEP.  Mr. Slade stated that we continue to look at alternatives, and have been looking for the mounding study previously done.  Ms. Campbell stated she understood all records are in a file cabinet at the Florence Sawyer School; Ms. Gerken agreed to look for the records of this project.

Ms. Campbell suggested we should reconsider what Emerson School is used for.  If it is not a school the problem does not exist because it has a reduced flow and does not require a water treatment plant.   Ms. Campbell stated her opinion is that it would be worthwhile to get an independent third party to look at the school needs and timeline, and answer all questions related to this project before moving forward.

Meeting adjourned.