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Advisory Committee Minutes March 29, 2005
 Advisory Committee                                     Present:        Christopher Slade
March 29, 2005                                                          Wendy Rogers
                                                                                David Bosselait
                                                                                Panny Gerken
Scott Powell

The Advisory Committee received a request to authorize an additional $40,000 for the snow and ice deficit.  This $40,000 includes $30,000 already spent and an additional $10,000 available for another storm this spring.  The total overspend at this point is $276,000 for snow and ice.

On a motion made by Bosselait and seconded Gerken the Advisory Committee authorized an additional $40,000 snow and ice deficit.

Mr. Bosselait informed the Advisory Committee that the Board of Selectmen has asked the DPW to provide a breakdown for the snow and ice account.

Chapter 90 monies is being reviewed to see if the Town has received.

$188,000 of free cash; better than thought and leave it at that.  

Budget line items/Articles:  The departments that had budget cuts made by the Advisory Committee agreed to change their requested column to agree with the Advisory Committee except the Town Clerk salary account and the Board of Appeals account.  Budget is showing approximately a $17,000 difference and articles is approximately $8,000 for a total of $25,404.  

The Advisory Committee approved the Advisory Committee statement prepared by David Bosselait.

Articles with Advisory Committee Recommendation to be given on Town Meeting Floor:
Article  5:     Fiscal Year 2006 Funds to Evaluate the Purchase of Future Electronics
The Committee will wait for additional information from the Board of Selectmen regarding this article.
Article  7:     Fiscal Year 2006 Installation of Sidewalks Along Main Street
Mr. Slade will speak to this article at annual town meeting.
Article  22:    The Nashoba Regional School District Agreement Amendment – Capital Costs Definition  
Send Advisory Committee copies of the old and new agreement for their review.   The Advisory Committee would like to discuss at the Tri-Town Meeting and consider that it be ratified in two years.

Articles with Advisory Committee Recommendation to disapprove:
Article  7:     Fiscal Year 2006 Installation of Sidewalks Along Main Street
Ms. Slade to speak with Town Administrator regarding this and her discussions with Public Ways Safety Committee members Cia Boynton and Daniel Senie.
Article  8:     Fiscal Year 2006 Purchase of Dispatch Console for the Communications Center
Article  14:   Amendment to Administrative Bylaws, Section 1.1 General Provisions and Subsection 1.18.9 Enforcement of the Wetland Bylaw        
Mr. Slade to speak with the Conservation Commission.
Article  17:    Installation of Protective Bollards at Pan Cemetery
Ms. Rogers will speak to this article at town meeting.

Meeting adjourned.