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Advisory Committee Minutes February 8, 2005
Advisory Committee                                              Present:        Christopher Slade
February 8, 2005                                                                David Bosselait
                                                                                Scott Powell
                                                                                Wendy Rogers
                                                                                Panny Gerken
                                                                                David Lindsay

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.  Minutes of July 26, 2004, October 12, 2004, November 30, 2004, January 11 & 18, 2005 were read and approved.  

Documents received by the Advisory Committee this evening attached to their agenda:  
-       Revised Cemetery budget
-       Revised Library budget
-       Requested items from the February 1 meeting regarding the Police and Communications budget
The Advisory Committee was informed of the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on Tuesday, February 15, 2005 (which was rescheduled from Thursday, February 17, 2005).  The Selectmen have invited the Advisory Committee to join them for their appointments with Joel Loitherstein who will discuss the results of the Smith site assessment, Chief Hyde who will discuss the benefits of the lieutenant and the Police Station Building Committee will meet with the Board of Selectmen to report on their scaled down version of a police station, and seek direction from the Board of Selectmen.

Chris Hurd, Treasurer of WHEAT met with the Advisory Committee and provided an overview of the types of programs/assistance that WHEAT offers the residents of Bolton. WHEAT is requesting an increase from $3,000 to $5,000 for FY06.  

Public Ways Safety Committee members Leslie Breeze and Daniel Senie met with the Committee to discuss their proposal for monies to fund a sidewalk from the senior housing to the Salt Box.  

The Public Ways Safety Committee would also like to make safety improvements to the area near the high school.  They proposed an adult guard at the time of arrival and department of students the school.  They would like to see the School pay for these services.  They have met with school representatives who are favorable to their proposal.  Bill Spratt, Facilities Manager, has agreed to look into various means of improving the safety in the area of the high school.  Speed tables, speed bumps, cross walks were other alternatives discussed.

The Public Ways Safety Committee has also requested $10,000 for signs which would include additional signs, and the replacement of signs in various areas of town.  The Committee would like a prioritized list of signs to be placed.

They asked if the funds appropriated in an article in 2002 could be used for their recommendations.  Town Administrator Jodi Ross will check on the status of this article and report back with her findings.

Mr. Heaton met with the Advisory Committee to discuss the Advisory Committee’s budget spreadsheet and tweaks he would like to make so that the Master Planning Committee can use the same spreadsheet tool in determining the override for the year and the major articles to be voted on.

Mr. Heaton provided a copy of the spreadsheet and he and the Committee reviewed the various pages.  

The Advisory Committee would like opportunity to review the budget spreadsheets but did note that they were favorable to the one page budget snapshot.

The Advisory Committee asked Mr. Heaton if it was the Board of Selectmen’s intent to give their recommendation on each article; Advisory strongly recommended this action.
The Advisory Committee reviewed the list of articles.  

Meeting adjourned.