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Select Board Minutes 10/10/12
Members present:        Mark Karlberg, Jeanne Pryor, William Elovirta

Others Present: Colleen O’Connor, Bob Will, Pat Mullins-Berkshire Regional Planning Commission

7:00 Meeting opened.

Mark asked if anyone was recording the meeting.  No one is recording.

Nina advised that she thought Pat Mullins from Berkshire Regional Planning Board was going to be at this meeting.  Bill advised that this is pretty straight forward so he felt we could go on without Pat being here.  Bill motioned to award contract in the amount of $93,300 to Architectural Roof Management, Inc. of South Hadley, MA and further authorizes the Town Administrator to issue a Notice to Proceed and to waive the building fees for this project, Jeanne seconded.  All in favor.

Any other business: Bill feels that the town should look into using the Tri-Town Board of Health to cover our town because one member of the Board of Health does not participate very often and one other member will be leaving for a few months so the Board of Health may not be able to function.  (Pat Mullins entered at this point.  She advised that she just came to see if the board had any questions for her.  They did not and thanked her for coming.)  Briefly discussed whether the town had to have a Board of Health or could the Tri-Town Board of Health take over and do what our Board of Health does.  Mark would like Craig to contact Tri-Town Board of Health and see if they would come to one of our meetings to discuss the cost and what they offer.  In the meantime they could check to see what our charter says about the Board of Health.  Mark advised that Karen Karlberg would be interested in being on the Board of Health.  She was on it years ago and would be willing to go back on.  The Board would like to let the Board of Health know that they are looking into this.

Nina advised that there is going to be a Berkshire County Selectmen’s Association dinner meeting on October 25, 2012 and she needs to know who will be attending so she can make the reservation.  Bill will not be able to attend.  Jeanne and Mark will get back to her.

The Town Clerk would like the Select Board to sign the warrant for the State Election so this can get posted.  The Select Board reviewed the warrant.  Jeanne motioned to sign the warrant for the State Election on Tuesday, November 6, 2012 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Bill seconded.  All in favor.

Nina advised that the town clerk would like the Select Board to appoint another election worker.  Stephen LaBelle would like to be appointed.  Jeanne asked if it was Steve LaBelle senior or junior.  Nina was not sure because the email just stated Steve LaBelle.  The Select Board would like clarification before they vote to appoint.  Nina will check with the town clerk.

The Select Board reviewed the evaluation procedures.  Discussed when the evaluations would take place.  The Select Board would like to do evaluations annually.  Bill motioned to adopt the draft Policy for Evaluation of Town Administrator, Jeanne seconded.  All in favor.  Bill motioned to send Staff Survey re Town Administrator to town employees that report directly to the Town Administrator, Jeanne seconded.  Mark would like the word “confidential” changed to “strictly private” and explained why he wanted this changed.  Mark motioned to change the word “Confidential” to “Strictly Private” in the Staff Survey re Town Administrator.  A vote was taken on this amendment to the Staff Survey re Town Administrator.  All in favor of the amendment.  A vote was taken on sending the amended Staff Survey re Town Administrator to town employees that report directly to the Town Administrator.  All in favor.  Briefly discussed the Town Administrator Evaluation forms.  Jeanne will make the changes to the evaluation forms that were discussed.  The Select Board reviewed job descriptions and made changes as they went along.  Nina will make the changes to the job descriptions.  Approximately 9:00 p.m. the power went out.  Nina and Bill went to see if they could get the generator started.

9:05 PM Mark motioned to adjourn, Jeanne seconded.  Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,                                                         _______________________________
Nina Weiler, Secretary                                                          Mark L. Karlberg, Chairman

Documents discussed at meeting:

  • Staff Survey re Town Administrator
  • Policy for Evaluation of Town Administrator
  • Town Administrator Evaluation Form
  • Town Administrator Self Evaluation Form
  • Various Job Descriptions