Members present: Mark Karlberg, Jeanne Pryor, William Elovirta
Others Present: Craig Kleman, Colleen O’Connor, Beth VanNess, Bob Will, Pat Mullins-Berkshire Regional Planning Commission, Lincoln Bascom, Ann Krawet
7:00 Meeting opened.
Mark asked if anyone was recording the meeting. No one is recording.
Select Board’s comments and announcements. None.
Town Administrator’s report: Craig advised that Len Tisdale procured the dump truck chassis and body through the 2011 Greater Boston Police Council bid procurement program. The total price for the truck will be $166,542. The amount approved at the Annual Town Meeting was $150,000 and Craig advised that the remaining $16,542 would come from Chapter 90 funds. Bill motioned that the bid from Greater Boston and HP Fairfield in the amount of $166,542 be accepted, Jeanne seconded. All in favor.
Craig advised that he got some other quotes for the town hall gutters from some local companies and the lowest quote came from Cebula’s Flow Right in the amount of $1,150.00. Jeanne motioned to accept Cebula’s Flow Right for the front left and right gutters and the rear gutters for a total price of $1,150, Bill seconded. All in favor.
Craig gave an update on the work being performed in North Becket on the sidewalks.
Craig advised that our current copier lease runs out in December and he has been working on a new proposal that he will have by the next Select Board meeting.
Jeanne asked Craig if he wrote the letter for Mr. Reel about the dam issue in West Becket. He advised that he would be working on it after this weekend.
There were no minutes to review at this time.
Public Input: Ann Krawet gave the Select Board an invitation to an event “Get to Know Your Government” that will take place at the town hall with Rep. Paul Mark, Rep. Smitty Pignatelli and Candidate Lee Scott Laugenour on Tuesday, October 9th.
The Select Board reviewed letter from Linda and David Bacon regarding possible land trade on Fred Snow Road. Bill advised that the Bacon’s have complained for years about the traffic in this area but did not want the road widened because the maple trees in this area would need to be removed. Briefly discussed the cost of completing a survey and deed changes and who would be responsible for these costs. Bill feels that Len Tisdale should be at meetings to answer questions when it pertains to the highway department. Mark asked Craig to contact Len and see if he could come to the next meeting to answer questions about Chapter 90, etc. Craig will look into how to go about trading land and get back to the Select Board.
The Select Board reviewed the letters of interest for the wiring inspector. Bill was concerned about the applicants because they were from Lanesborough and Pittsfield. He would rather have a person who was local be appointed to this position. The Select Board would like this position re-advertised in the Country Journal.
The Select Board discussed awarding the contract for the Green Communities-Highway Garage Roofing project. Craig advised that he is still waiting to hear from DOER about whether they can reallocate funds to the highway garage roofing project. He suggests that once he receives approval from DOER, the board allows the chair to execute a contract with the winning bidder and that the Town Administrator be allowed to issue a Notice to Proceed if this approval comes before the next Select Board meeting. The Select Board can schedule a special meeting on October 10, 2012 if they get approval from DOER.
Craig explained the Green Communities Utility Rebate-Lighting project. Since the interior lighting has been upgraded to more energy efficient lighting, the exterior lighting would be upgraded to energy efficient lighting. The exterior lighting will provide better operational safety for the highway personnel and the equipment. He explained what the cost of this would be and the rebate that the town would receive. Bill motioned to proceed with the Green Communities Utility Rebate-Lighting project, Jeanne seconded. All in favor.
The Select Board discussed the server procedure and computer problem resolution in town hall offices. Jeanne asked that this be put on the agenda because she keeps getting complaints from employees about computer issues that are not being resolved. She also thought that the email issue in the assessor’s office was taken care of but it is not. Craig advised that he spoke with the head assessor and told him he could not use Outlook for email anymore because when he does, it pulls all of the emails out of MecNet and the other assessors cannot retrieve them. As far as the computer problem, Craig advised that he is looking into purchasing new computers for the two assessors and that should help with the slowness problem. Briefly discussed communication issues. The Select Board feels
that the employees are coming to them because nothing gets done when they complain to the Town Administrator. Briefly discussed the issue with the payroll company. The town has a new company doing the payroll and this company cannot seem to get it right since they started a few weeks ago.
The Select Board reviewed the monthly reports of the Ambulance Department, Citations Issued, Police Department and Building Inspector. Briefly discussed setting up the community room for an election. Craig will speak to the town clerk about this.
Any other business: Craig advised that the town clerk wants to have three more election workers appointed. Jeanne motioned to appoint Alvin Blake, Joan Moylan and Meredyth Babcock as election workers terms to expire July 31, 2013, Bill seconded. All in favor. Colleen O’Connor asked why she was not considered to be an election worker. She advised that there was a reason that they did not want Arlene Adler but they did not give a reason for her. Mark advised that they did not consider her because she had a suit against the town and they did not feel it was proper to appoint her while this was going on. Colleen described what it has been like not having potable water at her house for the past 65 months. Bill asked her why she did not go after the realtors for a fraudulent sale
if they knew there was a problem with the water but did not disclose this to her when they sold her the house. She asked how anyone would know that the Title V documents from the town were fraudulent. Briefly discussed her claims and the courts actions on all of her suits.
Jeanne advised that, in reviewing the town bylaws, she noted that some town boards and committees are supposed to include certain items in their annual town reports. She drafted memos, noting the bylaw in each case, and asked that they be sent to the board/committee to remind them about the items to be included in their reports. The Select Board could also suggest that some departments add information to their reports to make them more informative.
Briefly discussed the issues with the grader at the highway department and Chapter 90 funds being used for things other than road repairs and upgrades. The Select Board would like the highway superintendent to come to their meetings to answer questions they have about Chapter 90, etc. Craig will check to see if he can come to a meeting.
Briefly discussed performance evaluations. The Select Board would like to set up a working meeting to go over job descriptions and the evaluation process. They decided to meet on Wednesday, October 10th for this working meeting.
Reviewed correspondence.
8:35 PM Jeanne motioned to go into executive session under G.L. c. 30A, sec. 21(a)(1) to discuss complaints or charges brought against a public officer, employee, staff member or individual; votes may be taken, Bill seconded. Roll call vote: Bill-yes, Jeanne-yes, Mark-yes. The Select Board will not reconvene after Executive Session.
8:35 PM The meeting adjourned.
Reviewed payroll/expense warrants.
Respectfully submitted, _______________________________
Nina Weiler, Secretary Mark L. Karlberg, Chairman
Documents discussed at meeting: