Members present: George Fuller, Mark Karlberg, Jeanne Pryor
Others Present: Craig Kleman, Bill & Maddy Elovirta, Robert Ronzio, Colleen O’Connor, Rita Furlong, Paulette & Marty Feit, Tom Matuszko-BRPC, Dan Andrews, Bill Cavanaugh, Tim Sullivan, Julia Maynard, Jeanne Morano, Tyler Andrews, Ginger Conner
7:00 PM Meeting opened.
George asked if anyone from the audience was recording this meeting. Bob Ronzio is audio taping the meeting.
Selectmen’s Comments and Announcements: Mark and George congratulated Jeanne Pryor for winning the election and welcomed her to the Board. They thanked Bill for his many years of service to the town. The Selectmen would like a letter sent to Bill thanking him for his service to the town. Jeanne read a letter that she had written to the editor at the Berkshire Eagle that did not appear in the paper. She thanked everyone that supported her campaign and also for showing an interest in town government. She thanked Bill Cavanaugh for his service to the town and encouraged residents to come to the Selectmen’s meetings. Mark thought that the State issues an award for people who serve as a Selectman for as many years as Bill served. Craig will check into this.
Town Administrator’s Report: Craig advised that the Green Communities Technical Assistance Grant that was originally allocated for a salt shed is now being allocated for energy efficiency measures at Town Hall and the Highway Garage. The original end date was November 30, 2011 but the State knows that these new projects if approved will not be undertaken until next spring. The Selectmen will need to sign an amendment with BRPC to extend its contract to November 30, 2011. Once the State amends the contract there will be a second amendment with BRPC until the project is completed.
Craig advised that Pat Mullins from BRPC completed the final report for the EECBG which was used for the energy retrofit at Fire Station #2 and we should be receiving the final payment of $75,000 soon.
Craig advised that he and Bill Girard completed the Green Communities Annual Report which is required for the five years that we are part of this program and it helps us maintain our Green Communities Designation.
Craig advised that the Finance Committee will be meeting next week to start the budget process. He feels the Selectmen and Finance Committee could meet jointly in November or December to begin discussions on what will be expected from department heads in preparing the budget so everyone is on the same page. George feels that on the night of the joint meeting the Selectmen could just deal with the budget and not have a normal meeting.
Craig advised that Jim Kupernik had a company look at the ambulance department building for a gutter system. He received a price of $832 and advised that there is enough money in the municipal building repairs account to cover this so the Selectmen should consider this.
Craig had given the Selectmen the audit report and asked the Selectmen if they wanted him to schedule a meeting with the auditors. They would like him to schedule a meeting with the auditors in November.
Craig advised that Kathy Hayn approached him about the assistant tax collector, Ken Bilodeau. He has been on the job for 90 days and she feels he should get a pay increase. Craig will put this on the next meeting and wants the Selectmen to think about this. When the assistant tax collector budget was prepared, there was enough put in the budget for some wiggle room. Craig will crunch some numbers before the next meeting.
Mark motioned to accept the minutes of August 30, 2011 as presented, George seconded. Jeanne abstained from voting. Motion passed. Mark motioned to accept the minutes of September 21, 2011 as presented. George seconded. Jeanne abstained from voting. Motion passed.
Public Input: Rita Furlong thanked Bill Cavanaugh for serving on the Select Board for the past 15 years. She feels that Bill truly loves this town and always had the town’s best interest in mind while he served on the Select Board. She apologized to him for the treatment he received by a group of unkind, unprofessional people. She hopes that he decides to run for office in the future. She feels he worked very hard for this town and she truly appreciates all that he did.
Bill Cavanaugh thanked everyone for their support for the past 15 years while he served as Selectman. He expressed that it was an honor and privilege to serve the town in his capacity as Selectman. He regrets not being able to please all of the people all of the time but he hopes he pleased some of the people some of the time. He was very pleased with the results of the election. He feels honored to have lost the election to Jeanne because she is a very nice person and he feels she has the town’s best interest at heart. He hopes that the Select Board can go forward with respect for one another.
Tim Sullivan, emergency management director, addressed the Board regarding his cell phone bill during hurricane Irene. George wanted to know how the other Selectmen feel about paying the entire bill for the month. Tim advised that his calls started on the Wednesday before the hurricane and they are still ongoing. He is still getting calls on a daily basis from MEMA and FEMA. Mark motioned to pay the Emergency Management Director’s bill for Verizon Wireless Service in the amount of $120.24, Jeanne seconded. All in favor.
Mark motioned to appoint Jeanne Pryor as clerk of the Select Board, George seconded. Jeanne abstained from voting. Motion passed. George motioned to appoint Mark Karlberg as chairman of the Select Board, Jeanne seconded. Mark abstained from voting. Motion passed. Mark motioned to appoint George Fuller as vice-chairman of the Select Board, Jeanne seconded. George abstained from voting. Motion passed.
The Selectmen discussed the Inter-Municipal Agreement Berkshire Public Health Alliance – Board of Health. Jeanne asked about Section 2-Governing Board. She asked who would be appointed the associate member who would sit on the governing board when the full member was not in attendance. Ginger Conner advised that the town administrator would be appointed the associate member. The Board of Health appoints the full member and the selectmen vote to appoint the associate member. Ginger advised that the appointment of the associate member does not have to be done right now. George motioned to accept the Inter-Municipal Agreement Berkshire Public Health Alliance – Board of Health, Jeanne seconded. All in favor.
Paulette Feit from the Sherwood Forest Neighbors Association addressed the Board regarding the beach property in Sherwood Forest that was in the town’s name. She gave a rundown of what occurred with this property. She advised that somewhere along the way this property was conveyed to the town. The SFNA would like the property deeded back to them. At the last meeting the Selectmen discussed getting back the fees that the town paid which amounts to $827. Paulette explained that the SFNA consists of about 100 out of approximately 1,000 lot owners that contribute funds to maintain these common areas and they do not have unlimited funds available and she would like the town to meet them halfway. She asked if the town would accept $400 for the property. Bob Ronzio advised that
after the SPINA decision back in 1995, all of the deeds were held by the town because of back taxes so the SFNA never knew what was in its name. Jeanne asked if we could get a copy of this deed. Craig will get this copy. The Selectmen also advised that there is the cost of the deed transfer that would need to be paid. Paulette advised that the SFNA would need to pay for this. She gave the Selectmen a letter from the President of the SFNA, Robert Wollenberg that authorizes Paulette Feit to come to an agreement with the Board regarding the lot. She would like a letter sent to Robert Wollenberg stating the price agreed upon and to also state that it will be the responsibility of the SFNA to cover the cost of the deed transfer. George motioned to turn over the beach property in question to the SFNA in the amount of $827 and to have the SFNA pay for the deed transfer cost, Jeanne seconded. All in favor.
George motioned to sign the First Amendment to the Agreement By and Between the Town of Becket and the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission, Jeanne seconded. All in favor.
The Selectmen reviewed the monthly reports of the Ambulance Department, Police Department and Citations Issued.
The Selectmen will table the discussion of the police chief job requirements until the next meeting so they can go over the information that Bill Elovirta provided and can think about what they would like in a police chief.
Any other business: Nina advised that there will be a Berkshire County Selectmen’s Association Dinner meeting on Thursday, November 3, 2011 and she will need to know who will be attending this meeting so she can make the reservation.
Briefly discussed” trick or treat” hours. Nina advised that a few years ago the Selectmen voted to keep “trick or treat” hours on Halloween. She wanted to make sure the Selectmen were okay with this. “Trick or treat” has always been done between the hours of 5 and 7 p.m. Colleen O’Connor asked if they could make the hours between 6 and 8 p.m. because it is difficult for parents to get home from work and get their children out by 5 p.m. Jeanne thought that that would be too late for small children. George motioned to keep “Trick or Treat” on October 31st from 5 to 7 p.m. and for anyone wishing to participate in “trick or treat” to leave their outside lights on, Jeanne seconded. All in favor.
Jeanne asked Craig if he heard from Bill Elovirta about the speeding on Fred Snow Road. Craig advised that Bill had downloaded some information about speed limit laws and he also spoke with George about this and George feels that Ms. Metzger should come before the Board and speak her case. Bill advised that he did have the police department patrol this road and they did not find people to be speeding. If someone was driving in excess of 40 mph they were pulled over. He advised that it is the State’s job to change speed limits and the State refused to change the speed limit on Fred Snow Road because it is a gravel road. Jeanne feels that Ms. Metzger should come before the Board since she has complained three different times and Jeanne did not see in the minutes that anyone contacted her. Jeanne also spoke with other people on this road and they have also complained about speeding. Jeanne will contact Ms. Metzger and invite her to an upcoming Selectmen’s Meeting.
Reviewed correspondence.
8:05 PM George motioned to adjourn, Jeanne seconded. All in favor.
Reviewed payroll/expense warrants.
Respectfully submitted, _______________________________
Nina Weiler, Secretary Mark L. Karlberg, Chairman