Members present: Mark Karlberg, William Cavanaugh, George Fuller
Others Present: Craig Kleman, George Roberts, Justin Elovirta, Bill Elovirta, Robert Ronzio, Madeleine Swindlehurst, Ray Tarjick, Shirley & John Vachula
7:00 PM Meeting opened.
George asked if anyone from the audience was recording this meeting. No one is audio taping the meeting.
George Roberts explained that when he posted the warrant for the Annual Town Election, he forgot to put the ballot questions on. The fire truck debt exclusion passed at the Annual Town Meeting and the ballot question appeared on the election ballot and passed but because the question did not appear on the warrant the Selectmen will need to act or the funding for the fire truck will not be able to be done. When George had realized what he had done, he spoke to town counsel. He explained the two options the Selectmen have to correct this issue. One would be to seek special legislation to ratify the results of the election. He advised that the attorney said that if the Selectmen wish to go this route then it may not be done until December. The second option would be to hold another
election with the fire truck debt exclusion question on the ballot. This could be put on the special election on August 6, 2011. The only drawback to this option would be the outcome could change. The question passed by approximately 75 votes but it could fail the second time around. George Fuller asked the other Selectmen how they felt about this. Bill advised that he did not like this because if they put it to another vote the outcome could change. He recommended that they put it on an upcoming election but he would like to know how the fire department feels about it. Fire Chief Ray Tarjick advised that George Roberts came to a fire department meeting and explained what had happened. The consensus of the fire department was to put it on the special election because of the time constraints of seeking special legislation. George Roberts stated that he spoke with Kopelman & Paige about going to the legislature and asked if
something like this usually gets passed. He was told that as long as it is not something very controversial then it usually is a slam dunk. Ray advised that because seeking special legislation would take longer, it could mean that the price for the equipment could go up. Bill advised that he spoke with some of the firemen and suggested that they write something up explaining why they need this equipment. George Roberts apologized to the Selectmen, the townspeople and the fire department for this error. Mark feels that if the fire department wants to go ahead and put the question on the Special Election ballot then he is okay with letting the people vote on this again. Mark motioned to put the fire truck debt exclusion on the Special Election ballot of August 6, 2011, Bill seconded. Bob Ronzio explained the legislative process and could not understand how George Roberts came up with the dates that he spoke of. George asked that Mr.
Roberts put this in the Country Journal and The Berkshire Eagle so that people are aware of this. All in favor. Shirley Vachula asked if they could put something in a handout that says the taxes will not increase because it is a wash since Yokum Pond Road Bridge will be paid off. Bill advised that anything factual could be put in the handout.
John Vachula asked when the well at the fire station would be done. There has not been any water at the fire station for 8 months. Craig will check again to see when this will be done.
Bill asked George Roberts when the campaign financing reports are due in his office. He advised that he is sending letters to all of the candidates this week regarding this. He explained the process that will need to be done for the upcoming election.
7:25 PM Mark motioned to adjourn, Bill seconded. All in favor.
Reviewed payroll/expense warrants.
Respectfully submitted, _______________________________
Nina Weiler, Secretary George Fuller, Chairman