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Board of Selectmen Minutes 1/19/11
Members present:        William Cavanaugh, Mark Karlberg, George Fuller

Others Present: Colleen O’Connor, Beth VanNess, Gerry Galliher, David Bonney

7:00 PM Meeting opened.

It was announced that Beth VanNess was audio taping the meeting.

Selectmen’s Comments and Announcements: None.

George asked Mark and Bill what was discussed at the last meeting when they talked about Bill Elovirta’s retirement issue.  He also asked if Mark and Bill received all of the correspondence regarding this issue.  They advised that they did receive everything that George had.  Mark motioned to approve the minutes of the January 5, 2011 meeting as presented, Bill seconded.  George abstained.  Motion passed.

Public Input: Colleen O’Connor asked how the water tested at the fire station after the new well was installed.  The Selectmen were not sure but explained that the Board of Health should have a copy of the water test in their office.

The Selectmen reviewed the note from the Ambulance Director regarding the plowing of the Ambulance Garage.  Bill asked if the ambulance department could use a snow blower.  George advised that they had one but it was not running.  Discussed what options they have regarding keeping the driveway open.  The Selectmen would like Richard to ask the Ambulance Department if they would consider using a snow blower to keep the driveway clear.

The Selectmen reviewed letters of interest to serve on the 250th Anniversary Committee.  Bill motioned to appoint Michel Richard, Rita Furlong, Sandi Jarvis and Ann Krawet to the 250th Anniversary Committee, Mark seconded.  All in favor.

The Selectmen discussed the Zoning Board of Appeals vacancies.  Nina advised that the ZBA is short a regular member and an alternate member.  Beth advised that Jeff Wilkinson is a realtor and that Susan Deacon is also a realtor on the ZBA.  Mark did not feel that Robert Ronzio should be on both the ZBA and the Planning Board.  Bill motioned to appoint Karen Karlberg as a regular member of the Zoning Board of Appeals to fill the remaining term left by the vacancy, George seconded.  Mark abstained.  Motion passed.  Mark motioned to appoint Jeff Wilkinson as the alternate to the Zoning Board of Appeals term to expire June 30, 2011, Bill seconded.  All in favor.

The Selectmen reviewed the letter of resignation from Alice Briggs from the Agricultural Commission effective immediately.  Bill motioned to accept the resignation of Alice Briggs from the Agricultural Commission, Mark seconded.  All in favor.  The Selectmen would like a letter of thanks to be sent to Alice.

The Selectmen reviewed the Open Meeting Law complaint that was filed on September 1, 2010.  The Selectmen at the time the complaint was filed did not know they were required to respond and never did.  They have to decide if they would respond now or not.  Bill motioned to send a letter to complainant stating that the Selectmen disagree with the accusation, Mark seconded.  They would like the letter to express that they were sorry for the delay.  All in favor.

The Selectmen briefly discussed the Department of Housing & Community Development’s plan to remove the Economic Development Program from the Economic Development Fund Initiative.  The Town of Chesterfield is asking that towns send a letter asking the Dept. of Housing & Community Development to not remove this program from the Economic Development Fund Initiative.  Bill motioned to authorize George Fuller to sign and send letter to the Department of Housing & Community Development asking them not to remove the Economic Development Program from the Economic Development Fund Initiative, Mark seconded.  All in favor.

The Selectmen reviewed the deeds for property that was accepted at the Annual Town Meeting.  There were two deeds; one was from Paul Menard and the property was located in Sherwood Forest and the other was from John & Suzanne Whalen and the property was also located in Sherwood Forest.  Bill motioned to sign deeds for property accepted at the annual town meeting, Mark seconded.  All in favor.

The Selectmen briefly discussed changing meeting schedule back to the first and third Wednesdays of every month.  Mark motioned to table meeting schedule item until the next meeting, Bill seconded.  All in favor.

The Selectmen reviewed Special Permit application for a filling station at 609 Main Street.  The Selectmen have no comment on this application.

The Selectmen reviewed variance to decrease the required backset line on the property located at 165 Jesters Lane.  The Selectmen have no comment on this application.

Any other business: Nina advised that she received an email from Robert Flanagan stating that he was no longer interested in the position of town administrator.  Briefly discussed what possible reasons he could have had to decline taking this position.  The Selectmen would like to table this until their next meeting.

Nina advised that Berkshire Regional Planning Commission is looking for a representative from Becket to be on the Transportation Advisory Council since Beth VanNess resigned.  The Selectmen would like something put in the Country Journal and on the website stating that the Selectmen are looking to appoint someone to this committee.

Nina advised that she received a memo from the Police Chief regarding one of the police officers.  An elderly gentleman locked his keys in his car one day and Officer McDonough assisted this man.  The man wrote the police chief a letter stating how professional and courteous Officer McDonough was and that he handled this delicate issue very nicely.  Bill Elovirta wrote Officer McDonough a letter thanking him for being courteous and professional.

Reviewed correspondence.

8:06 PM Mark motioned to adjourn, Bill seconded.  All in favor.

Respectfully submitted,                                                         _______________________________
Nina Weiler, Secretary                                                          George Fuller, Chairman