Members present: William Cavanaugh, Mark Karlberg, George Fuller
Others Present: Richard Furlong, Gerry Galliher, Paula Cianfarani, Pat Portieri, David Zagorski, Rita Furlong, George Roberts, Joan & Bud Moylan, Geri & Doug Walter, Tom Webb, Craig Kleman, Robert Flanagan, Josh Lombard, Kathy Hayn, Jeremy Dunn, Karen Karlberg, Ann Krawet, David Devane, Robert Ronzio, Richard Furlong
5:45 PM Meeting opened.
Tax Classification Hearing: David Zagorski, the principal assessor, advised that the overall values have dropped. He explained that the proposed tax rate is $8.82. Last year’s tax rate was $7.95. Richard advised that when values drop the tax rate increases. David explained that the total taxable valuation decreased by $21,222,000 due to the decrease in residential values. The proposed levy increase is $293,051. The Board of Assessors recommends a single tax rate. The Board of Assessors recommends that the Selectmen vote no for the Open Space Discount since Becket does not currently have land classified as open space. The Board of Assessors recommends that the Selectmen vote no for the Residential Exemption. This would reduce the taxable valuation of each
residential parcel that is a taxpayer’s principal residence but would shift the burden on the second home properties. The Board of Assessors recommends that the Selectmen vote no for the Small Commercial Exemption since the town has never had one and they feel this should stay the same. Mark motioned to adopt a Residential Factor of 1, Bill seconded. All in favor. Bill motioned to adopt an Open Space Discount, Mark seconded. All opposed. Motion did not pass. Mark motioned to adopt a Residential Exemption, Bill seconded. All opposed. Motion did not pass. Bill motioned to adopt a Small Commercial Exemption, Mark seconded. All opposed. Motion did not pass. The Selectmen signed the form stating that the tax classification was held and was publicized in a newspaper and properly posted. The Tax Classification Hearing closed.
Before the interviews, George stated that some town employees may wish to ask the candidates questions. He also stated that the town attorney answered a question that Richard had regarding the interview process. Mark read the answer from the town attorney. The question was could the Selectmen ask the candidates to leave the meeting while the other candidates were being interviewed. The attorney advised that this is an open meeting so they could ask the candidates to leave but it was their right to be there if they chose.
6:00 PM Interview with Thomas Webb. Thomas introduced himself to the Selectmen. The Selectmen took turns asking him questions. The Selectmen allowed the public to ask questions of him. Thomas asked the Selectmen questions. The Selectmen thanked him for his time. Thomas left the meeting.
6:30 PM Interview with Craig Kleman. Craig introduced himself to the Selectmen. The Selectmen took turns asking him questions. The Selectmen allowed the public to ask questions of him. Craig asked the Selectmen questions. The Selectmen thanked him for his time. Craig left the meeting.
7:00 PM Interview with Robert Flanagan. Robert introduced himself to the Selectmen. The Selectmen took turns asking him questions. The Selectmen allowed the public to ask questions of him. Robert asked the Selectmen questions. The Selectmen thanked him for his time. Robert left the meeting.
The Selectmen discussed the candidates and took input from the public. Most of the people in the audience thought that Robert Flanagan was the best candidate. Although he has the least experience, the Selectmen feel that he is willing to learn what needs to be done and will get up to speed fairly quickly. Jeremy Dunn feels the first candidate has the most experience and would be best for this position. The Selectmen asked Richard Furlong if he would be willing to help out the new Town Administrator through the budgeting period. He advised that he would be willing to work with the new person until he feels comfortable doing the job on his own. Mark motioned to issue a letter to Mr. Flanagan offering him the position of Town Administrator with salary and terms to be negotiated, Bill
seconded. All in favor. Briefly discussed setting up a committee to negotiate terms and salary. Bill motioned to set up a committee to negotiate terms and salary, Mark seconded. All in favor. Bill and Richard will be on the committee and will check with Dan Parnell to see if he would like to be on this committee.
8:30 PM Mark motioned to adjourn, Bill seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted, _______________________________
Nina Weiler, Secretary George Fuller, Chairman