Members present: William Cavanaugh, Mark Karlberg, George Fuller
Others Present: Richard Furlong, David Bonney, Beth VanNess, Colleen O’Connor, Hildegarde Freedman, Ann Spadafora, Rita Furlong, Barbara Stuhlmann, Harry Roff, Robert Gorden
7:03 PM Meeting opened.
It was announced that Beth VanNess was audio taping the meeting.
Selectmen’s Comments and Announcements: Mark stated that he did not get to go to the Energy Performance Contracting Workshop. It was changed from Wednesday night to Thursday morning so he could not attend. Bill stated that he was looking through The Beacon and found that cities and towns are looking into waste water systems. He feels that the town should start looking into forming a committee to look into these systems. He knows the economy is not good right now but if we plan and are prepared and there is grant money available in the future then we would be ready to apply for funding for this kind of thing.
George advised that he received a note with a photo from the Jacobs Ladder Trail Scenic Byway thanking the Selectmen for letting them have the 100th Anniversary Celebration. George thanked Mark, Bill, Richard and Nina for conducting the meeting without him last week because he was ill.
Bill motioned to accept the minutes of October 20, 2010, Mark seconded. George abstained from voting because he was not at this meeting. Motion passed.
George stated that before the Selectmen open public input he wanted to let the audience know that they do not want to hear anything about the Sherwood Forest Lake District because it does not pertain to them. He also stated that Colleen O’Connor should refrain from speaking about her septic and water issues because she has a lawsuit against the town and they should not be discussing this.
Public Input: Rita Furlong advised that in 2015 the Town would be celebrating its 250th anniversary. She would like the Selectmen to start thinking about forming a committee now so that they can begin to plan for this celebration. Bill would like something put in the newspapers and on the website that states that the Selectmen are looking for volunteers to be on a committee to plan for the 250th Anniversary Celebration. Bill motioned to put together a committee to handle the 250th Anniversary Celebration in 2015, Mark seconded. All in favor.
Colleen O’Connor thanked George for being the only person that wanted to look at her file for her property. She also agrees with Bill that the most important issue for the town is having potable water. She also feels that when a board behaves in a way that makes people respond in a litigious way, it is everyone in this town’s business because it affects everyone in the town. This drains the town of money and hurts the morale of the town.
The Historical Commission addressed the Board regarding informational signs. Rita Furlong advised that many years ago Bobby Beckwith, as part of a Boy Scout project, created signs that were placed in three different sections of town. These signs were replaced about twenty years ago but now they are faded and the historical commission would like to have them replaced. She explained that these signs were updated with some more information and she would like to know how the Selectmen felt about creating these new signs. These signs show different points of interest like where the camps were located, where the historic quarry is located, etc. She stated that the cost of these signs would be approximately $500 which was approved at a town meeting to come from community preservation funds.
The Selectmen like the idea of these signs being posted in different areas of town to assist people in finding different points of interest in the town. Robert Gorden explained that the sign frames will be the same ones that hold the current signs so the only thing changing will be the map on the signs. Rita also advised that the commission will be looking at making these maps into brochures to hand out. Bill motioned to approve the outline of the sign from the Historical Commission, Mark seconded. All in favor.
Richard advised that the town accepted a property donation at the annual town meeting in May of this year but he is not sure if the town should accept this piece of property because there may be a dam on the property. If there is a dam on this property then the town would be liable if something happened to the dam. The property is the access to Yokum Pond. Richard feels that a survey should be done so the town can determine if the dam is on this piece of property. Briefly discussed this access property. Mark motioned to have Richard look into what it would cost to have this property surveyed before the Selectmen accept this piece of property, Bill seconded. All in favor.
The Selectmen reviewed the bid prices received for the new well at fire station #1. Richard advised that he asked the original companies to send in bid prices again because when the fire department asked for prices they did not include the prevailing wages for this job. Richard received two prices. The third company never resubmitted a price. George asked if he could be present when they drill the new well. Mark motioned to accept the bid from Hanson Well Drilling in the amount of $6,650.00 for the new well at fire station #1, Bill seconded. All in favor.
The Selectmen reviewed the email regarding Microenterprise Assistance Program. Richard advised that he is not sure how the town got involved with this program. This program is like the CDBG program. Richard called BRPC to see if this would interfere with our CDBG application. They advised that it would not interfere. The Town of Chesterfield is the lead town that does the reporting. Richard explained what this grant would cover. If this grant is awarded the Selectmen would need to fill out some paperwork.
The Selectmen reviewed the memo from Jeanne Pryor regarding MassBroadband 123 Route Validation and Community Anchor Institutions Surveying Project. This is to inform the town that they are doing the route validation survey but it does not mean that Becket will get the service. They will be informing the town when they will be in Becket.
The Selectmen reviewed the monthly report of the Becket Ambulance Department. George asked how they made out with the roof repair. Richard advised that it cost about $300 to fix the leaks.
Any other business: Richard advised that the Sherwood Forest Lake District wants the town to look into two pieces of property in Sherwood Forest. The treasurer is looking into where the property is. They may be in land court. Once they find out where the property is, the town will need to check with DOR to see if there is some way to transfer the property to the Lake District. This property would make it easier for the Lake District to get access to their lake.
Richard spoke to the Selectmen about an amnesty program that would need to be voted on at a town meeting. The tax collector, treasurer and Richard feel that it should just be for tax title properties. The town could forgive all penalties and interest and have the property owners pay for just the tax amounts. Bill does not feel they should have a special town meeting just for this.
George would like the finance committee to check with Victor Breen about vocational transportation. Victor has some ideas about vocational bussing that could save the town money.
Richard reminded the Board that the next two meetings involve the CDBG so the town is getting close to submitting the grant application.
Nina advised that George Roberts would like the Selectmen to appoint Aylmer Trivers as an election worker. He has been an election worker for the past few years. Mark motioned to appoint Aylmer Trivers as an election worker term to expire July 15, 2011, Bill seconded. All in favor.
Colleen O’Connor asked the Selectmen if they could change the “Trick or Treat” hours from five to seven o’clock to six to eight o’clock. She feels that people who work during the day have trouble getting the kids out by five o’clock. The Selectmen will consider this next year.
Reviewed correspondence.
8:05 PM Mark motioned to adjourn, Bill seconded. All in favor.
Reviewed payroll/expense warrants.
Respectfully submitted, _______________________________
Nina Weiler, Secretary George Fuller, Chairman