Members present: William Cavanaugh, Mark Karlberg
George Fuller-absent
Others Present: Richard Furlong, David Bonney, Beth VanNess, Colleen O’Connor, Gerry Galliher, Hildegarde Freedman, Bob Ronzio, Neil Toomey, Jeanne Pryor, Nancy & David Devane, Ann Spadafora, Steve & Ruth Rosenthal, Arlene Adler, Josh Lombard, Alice Briggs, Kris Massini
7:00 PM Meeting opened.
Mark will be chairing the meeting tonight since George was absent.
It was announced that Beth VanNess and Hildegarde Freedman was audio taping the meeting.
Selectmen’s Comments and Announcements: None.
Bill motioned to accept the minutes of October 6, 2010, Mark seconded. Motion passed. Bill motioned to accept the minutes of October 13, 2010, Mark seconded. Motion passed.
Public Input: Hildegarde Freedman addressed the Board regarding the Sherwood Forest Lake District. She advised that the information she passed out at the last meeting was just to let them know that she was representing Jennifer Besanceney. She feels that the Lake District vote was fraudulent because she feels that people were forced to vote under duress. Bill asked that they stick to the business of the Selectmen and he does not feel that this relates to the Selectmen. She advised that the Attorney General’s office told her she had a right to speak and she was going to do it. Mark advised that this is none of the Selectmen’s business. If the Attorney General’s Office said it was the Selectmen’s business then they would discuss it but until then the Selectmen feel
that this is between Hildegarde and the Sherwood Forest Lake District.
David Bonney advised that George Roberts has in the minutes of the Sherwood Forest Lake District meeting that Mark Karlberg and Bruce Garlow were the ones who decided to move the meeting to the school. Mark advised that the Sherwood Forest Lake District people decided to change the location of this meeting. He also advised that there was a representative from the Lake District at town hall directing the people to the school and there were signs up stating that the meeting was moved. David also asked if the Board gave George Roberts the proxies to vote on. Richard advised that he was given the proxy forms and filled them out the way that the Selectmen wanted them filled out.
Robert Ronzio asked if this was in regard to item eight on the agenda. The Selectmen stated that it did not. Item number eight is a separate complaint that was filed.
The Agricultural Commission addressed the Board. Neil Toomey thanked the Board for allowing the commission to speak. He advised that since the commission was formed they have had two meetings and he wanted to share a couple of ideas that they had. He advised that he would be involved with the conference call regarding Chapter 61 Right of First Refusal Opportunity on October 25, 2010. He gave the Selectmen a copy of the Procedure for Chapter 61, 61A, 61B Right of First Refusals. He also advised that they have not finalized a mission statement but they are thinking of promoting and supporting agricultural and forestry projects in town as well as acting as a liaison between town boards and townspeople. Alice Briggs addressed the Board about having a seed starts swapping program at the town
hall. They had talked about having a farmer’s market but they did not feel this would work. This seed starts program could be for individuals and commercial growers to sell or swap different plants and the proceeds would go to the agricultural commission to use for other programs.
The Selectmen reviewed the letter from the Sherwood Greens Road Improvement and Maintenance District requesting change to the payment amount for the fiscal year 2011 salary request of $3,891.00. Jeanne Pryor explained that the road district prudential committee asked that she bring this to the Selectmen. The SGRM&ID received a bill from the town for FY11 but was not sure what they had based 3% of the budget on. The amount that the town has requested does not equal 3% of their budget. The other question she had was if the SGRI&MD had capital expenditures, would that be included in the budget amount for the year. The road district has drainage projects and she feels that this is a capital expenditure and should not be included in the annual budget. Bill feels that drainage issues
are part of the road improvements and should not be included as capital expenditures. He feels that this would have to be researched. Jeanne feels that if the contract states that major capital expenditures should be excluded from the annual budget amount but if this is not right then the wording should be changed in the contract. Richard asked if the drainage issue was an extraordinary expenditure. Jeanne explained that this project was an extraordinary expense. Bill was mainly concerned that the people working for the road district get paid for the work that they do. If the amount ends up not being enough for the work that is performed then they would have to come up with a more equitable contract. Bill motioned to have Richard Furlong negotiate with the SGRI&MD about their payment amount for FY2011 salary request so that it is acceptable by both parties, Mark seconded. Motion passed.
Jeanne Pryor updated the Selectmen on the Wired West’s initiative to build a municipally-owned fiber-optic network. She explained what has happened so far and what will need to happen in the future. All towns that wish to be included in this initiative will need to vote to create a municipally owned lighting plant at a special or annual town meeting. If the vote to create the lighting plant fails then the town would not be able to vote again on this for a period of two years. If the vote passes the Selectmen would manage the lighting plant or have a municipal light board manage it. She explained how this would be administered and what would be required from each town in the cooperative. Jeanne gave the Selectmen a copy of the draft bylaws. Ann Spadafora asked if the town was
going to build a plant to run this fiber-optic network. Jeanne advised that the plant part would be just a lease of the fiber-optic lines. Bill thanked Jeanne and Bob Ronzio for serving on this committee and keeping them informed of their work.
The Selectmen reviewed the survey for property located at 21 Maple Street. Richard explained that the right-of-way is about two feet further from where the fence is located which would put it on Ray Tarjick’s property. Colleen stated that what this survey means is that there is no way for there to be potable water on this property. She explained that the reason she does not have a Title 5 on her property is because the septic and well are not 100 feet apart and it looks like her leaching field is not on her property. Richard feels that the school should be involved in getting an engineer to look at possibly moving the pipe from the tank over to the right-of-way down to the leach field. He advised that it may not be possible but it should be looked at. This would not solve the well
issue but it would solve the issue of the pipe running through her property. Richard feels the school should look into having an engineer see if this is feasible and also what the cost would be if it is. Bill motioned to have Richard go forward and pin the property and negotiate with the school to see if they can get an engineer to see if moving the pipe can be done and at what cost, Mark seconded. Motion passed.
The Selectmen reviewed Open Meeting Law Complaint form from David Bonney regarding meeting that took place on Saturday, October 9, 2010. Richard wrote a response to Mr. Bonney which the Selectmen read out loud along with the complaint. The first complaint was that the location of the posted meeting changed without proper notification. The response to this complaint was that the original location was over the capacity limit so the moderator, town clerk and Selectman running the meeting decided for safety reasons to move it to a new location. There were signs put up and a person that stayed at the original location that directed the people to the new location. The second complaint was that one Selectman acted alone at the meeting but should not have done so because there should have been a
quorum present at the meeting. The response to this complaint was that according to the legislation to form a lake district there only needed to be one Selectman that would call the meeting to order. Mark motioned to send the letters of response to the complaints to Mr. Bonney, Bill seconded. Motion passed.
Bill motioned to set the winter parking ban from November 15, 2010 to April 15, 2011 from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. for no parking on town streets, Mark seconded. Motion passed.
Any other business: Richard advised that a letter came in today so it could not be put on the agenda. This letter was from the Town of Chester regarding the vocational bussing. The Town of Chester is asking that all six towns that are included in the bussing contract pay for the cost of having the contract reviewed by attorneys. The cost would be $100.00 for each town. Bill motioned that the Selectmen act in the affirmative and pay the Town of Chester the $100.00 fee for the cost of attorneys reviewing the bussing contract, Mark seconded. Motion passed.
Richard advised that the three AED’s from the fire department have been repaired. They have new batteries and had the software upgrades done. The cost to have them repaired was approximately $140. Briefly discussed where the third AED should go. The first two AED’s are on the rescue trucks and Richard feels that the third one should go on one of the pumpers.
Richard advised that the lighting upgrade at fire station #2 was completed. He was going to wait until the renovations were completed before the lights were changed but the company that completed the light fixture upgrades needed to complete it now or they would lose the grant funding. Richard explained that it would not matter when they did the renovations because they would just drop the fixtures and put them back up after the renovations were completed.
Richard advised that during the last rain storm the ambulance and fire department roof leaked and he had the repairs done at a minimum cost.
Richard advised that he went out to get new prices for the new well at fire station #1. He had to do this because we did not use prevailing wages when we got prices the first time and one company included in their price donations for some of the work which is illegal. He should have the new prices by October 29, 2010. He also advised that he is getting prices for a building demolition on Black Arrow Way. This building is open and dangerous and needs to be taken care of.
Richard advised that the grinding of Bonny Rigg Hill and Algerie Roads is underway and should be done in 2 to 3 days.
Richard advised that the water survey is underway in North Becket Village and there are about 20 more properties that need to be surveyed.
Richard advised that the light by the town hall has been turned back on by the electric company. This light was turned off on a trial basis but the police department felt that it was unsafe late at night when the town hall was closed so the light was turned back on.
Richard reminded the Selectmen that there was no meeting next week.
Reviewed correspondence.
8:20 PM Mark motioned to adjourn, Bill seconded. Motion passed.
Reviewed payroll/expense warrants.
Respectfully submitted, _______________________________
Nina Weiler, Secretary George Fuller, Chairman