Members present: William Cavanaugh, George Fuller
John Murray-absent
Others Present: Tony Blair, David Bonney, Bill Brownhill, Colleen O’Connor, Beth VanNess, Bill Elovirta, Alice Briggs, Lynn Garland, James Boisseau, Bill Fuller
7:00 PM Meeting opened.
Selectmen’s Comments and Announcements: Bill advised that the snowmobiles are back at the cemetery. He was not sure if they are up inside the cemetery driving around because he cannot walk up in the back of the cemetery. He feels that Bill Elovirta should issue tickets to anyone driving their snowmobiles at the cemetery. Bill Elovirta advised that he could get the person for trespassing. Bill Cavanaugh advised that he will put up signs next year. He does not know if this will help.
The Selectmen reviewed minutes of the previous meetings. George motioned to accept the minutes of February 3, 2010, Bill seconded. Motion passed. George motioned to accept the minutes of December 10, 2009, Bill seconded. Motion passed.
Town Administrator’s Report: Tony advised that the CDBG application was submitted on time. He wrote a letter to BRPC thanking them for their help especially Pat Mullins who he thought did an exceptional job. He also advised that Becket was awarded $150,000 for the Energy Efficiency Block Grant for the fire station/ambulance garage. This grant is so the town can insulate and update the heating system at the station. George asked if the town heard anything about the wind tower at town hall. Tony advised that he has been in touch with someone from the state that had the location incorrect and they are trying to correct this. Tony advised that the town also received the District Local Technical Grant. This is for the assessment of water in North Becket village.
Public Input: Colleen O’Connor stated that in the interest of open government, she felt the Board of Health’s minutes should be a little more forthcoming and not so secretive. Currently the minutes are very brief and she feels the residents are entitled to minutes that are more in depth. Minutes should disclose as much as possible what goes on at the meetings. She feels that it is very misleading for the minutes to state that the Lakeview General Store, Town Hall, the Becket Country Store, the Becket Motel and Uncle Larry’s Tavern are not compliant with DEP because of new updated public water supply laws. She said that the Becket General Store was not included on the list so someone reading these minutes would assume that the store was compliant. Tony advised that he spoke
with Bill Fuller about this and he said that the Becket General Store is compliant with DEP on a temporary basis. He thinks that this is because there is a consent agreement with DEP under which the store is to have a new well installed. He also advised that the reason the Town Hall was listed as non-compliant was because there was some paperwork that needed to be filled out by Berkshire Enviro-Labs which has since been taken care of.
Lynn Garland advised that her son purchased a home on Wells Road in 2006 that has a failed septic system. She also advised that the Title 5 report shows that the system passed in 2005. She said the septic system consists of a tank that has a pipe that comes out onto her son’s back yard. There is no leach field and her son cannot use his back yard because the sewage is pouring onto it. Her son, James Boisseau, advised that he spoke with someone three years ago on the Board of Health about this problem and was told that if he pushed it he would be out of the house. The Title 5 report shows that Eric Kirchner was the person who conducted the Title 5 on the system. Mr. Boisseau said that the only way that he could go after the person who sold the house to him was to get something from
the Board of Health saying the system should not have passed when the Title 5 was done. He also explained that he has had to pay for a new perc test and plans but if he goes ahead and removes the system then he could never go back on it. George asked if he was in touch with the Board of Health recently. He advised that he had not spoken with the Board of Health since his first call. It was brought up that the system had not been in use for over a year when the Title 5 was done. Mr. Boisseau advised that he tried to get the previous owner to pay for half of the cost to repair the system but they said that the system passed so they do not have to pay anything. He also advised that the septic system was pumped out right before the Title 5 was done. The only recourse Mr. Boisseau has is for the Board of Health to state that the system never should have passed back in 2006. Mr. Fuller from the Board of Health advised that once a system is
failed, the owners have two years to have it repaired. If they do not in the two years, the Board of Health can have the owners removed from the home. He also advised that the Title 5 at this property had passed at the time of the inspection. Mr. Boisseau said that the septic system did not have a leaching field. Mr. Fuller stated that the pipe was the leaching field. Mr. Fuller advised that there are two loan systems that he could use to have his system repaired. The town has a loan program and Lee Bank has a loan program for the repair of septic systems. Tony asked Mr. Boisseau to come in to see him and he would assist him in finding a loan program. Mr. Fuller suggested that he will go to the property tomorrow and inspect it and go from there. Bill Cavanaugh suggested that this be brought to the State’s attention so it knows that Mr. Kirchner passed a system that should have been failed. Tony advised that he would
help Mr. Boisseau any way that he could.
Tony gave the Selectmen copies of the advertisement for the Principle Assessor. Tony advised that there are two ads; a long one and a short one. The short one has been placed in The Beacon because of time restraints. If we did not get it in now, it would not come out for another month. This will also be on the MMA’s website. The smaller ads states to go to the website to get more information so it does not cost as much than if you placed the larger ad.
The Selectmen reviewed the monthly report of the Building Inspector. George motioned to accept the report of the Building Inspector, Bill seconded. Motion passed. George asked what happened with the Beckwith’s issue with their outdoor furnace. Tony advised that the building official who decides these cases sided with the building inspector. The outdoor furnaces need to be inspected therefore the Beckwith’s need to obtain a permit. He also advised that the assistant building inspector will be doing the inspection at the request of the Beckwith’s. Bill feels that something should be put in the newspaper asking people to come in for a permit if they have an outdoor wood furnace.
Any other business: George asked Bill Elovirta how he felt about having the two street flood lights turned off at town hall. At the last meeting it was discussed that WMECO could turn the lights off for a period to see if the town could do without them. Bill advised that all of the spotlights are burned out. Tony advised that he has ordered new bulbs. Bill Elovirta feels that the flood light on the other side of the town hall could be turned off but he feels that the one by the pavilion should not be turned off. He had told Tony that there should have been an agreement that when the pole in the back of the town hall was installed, WMECO asked to put an antenna on it and was not going to charge the town for the two flood lights if it allowed it to put the antenna up. Tony advised that
someone from WMECO is checking into this because he knew nothing about it. Tony is hoping that we will get credit for paying all these years.
Tony advised that he and Bill Girard are in the process of drawing up plans for the railings for the ramp in front of the town hall. Briefly discussed fixing the ramp and also the ramp in the back of town hall. Also discussed having an automatic door installed so that people in wheelchairs could enter town hall.
Reviewed correspondence.
8:00 PM George motioned to adjourn, Bill seconded. Motion passed.
Reviewed payroll/expense warrants.
Respectfully submitted, _______________________________
Nina Weiler, Secretary William F. Cavanaugh, Chairman