Summary Minutes Select Board 12/10/09
Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM
Present, Bill Cavanaugh, George Fuller, Tony Blair
No Select Board comments.
Tony announced that state had decided to grant the Town of Becket, $39,591, as additional aid for the ice-storm cleanup (88% of the 12.5% we had been promised). Great news.
Tony introduced CDBG, reviewed terms and what makes a grant competitive.
Introduced Elton Ogden, from Berkshire Housing, who discussed Becket’s history with CDBG funded housing rehab. Described what it is, who qualifies, steps a homeowners needs to follow to qualify. Asked Select Board to decide how to establish priorities for the selection of competing homeowners. Select Board agreed to utilize the page provided with the grid and to use the additional criteria as tie-breakers. Audience (MB) asked if there was any security that the grants given to homeowners would not be lost through foreclosure on the property. Does happen, but the effort is made to be cautious and, as much as possible to vet the applicants to make sure they will be able to stay in the property. These loans are subordinate to mortgages.
George made a motion to accept the Consultant Agreement with Berkshire Housing (for $1,500) to provide assistance with the Housing Rehab portion of this CDBG application. Bill seconded. All in favor. Bill and Elton Ogden signed 2 copies of doc. Each keeps one.
Select Board agrees to have BRPC add language to the Community Development Strategy to state that “the entire Town is the Target Area.”
Moved to the other room to look at plans of the North Becket Village and discussed infrastructure needs in the area of slum & blight targeted there. Much discussion and drawing.
George made a motion to have us focus on Town owned sidewalks, along High St, Main St, elsewhere, on drainage (especially along High Street and end of Main) and to install crosswalks where indicated on the plan per Lee approach. We are asked to obtain a price of those elements and see what they come to.
Bill seconded. All in favor.
George made a motion to appoint Tony Blair as the authorized official to utilize the on-line grant management system for the CDBG application. Bill seconded. All in favor, Bill signed doc.
9:00 PM George motioned to adjourn, Bill seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted, _______________________________
Tony Blair, Town Administrator William F. Cavanaugh, Chairman