Board of Selectmen
September 25, 2009
Members present: William Cavanaugh, George Fuller, John Murray
Others Present: Tony Blair, Colleen O’Connor, June Babcock, Jeff Jourdain
4:36 PM Meeting opened. The purpose of this meeting is to review and sign the contract for the cold in place recycling of a portion of County Road. There was only one bid received for this project. The Selectmen reviewed the contract. John motioned to sign the contract for the Cold in Place Recycling of a Portion of County Road to the Gorman Group in the amount of $4.99 per square yard for the Cold in Place Recycling with 3% emulsion, $420.00 for the asphalt concrete base price and $30.00 per ton for the additional aggregate, Bill seconded. George abstained from voting. Motion passed. Tony gave George a number to call to see if he could sign contracts that involve highway work.
Bill advised that he was told that the Boy Scouts were told to remove their signs around town. He was not sure if the Boy Scouts needed a permit to put up signs. Tony advised that Bill Girard was the only one that he could think of that would tell someone to remove the signs since he is the Zoning Enforcement Officer. Tony will check with Bill Girard about this sign issue.
Jeff Jourdain and June Babcock, residents who live on Leonhardt Road, addressed the Board regarding the detour traffic on their road since the bridge work started on Yokum Pond Road. George received calls regarding people speeding on the road and about someone’s dog getting hit by a speeding driver. Jeff advised that at the annual town meeting last May when this was discussed he was told that the detour signs would not go up advising people to use Leonhardt Road. He was later told that Lenny Tisdale wanted the signs up. Tony asked if the detour sign at the Fred Snow Road intersection was taken down. Jeff advised that it was taken down. He also called three weeks ago asking if some “Slow” signs could go up but they have not been put up until today. Jeff and June,
along with their neighbors, are extremely concerned that eventually someone will get seriously injured if nothing is done about the speeding. They understand that this detour is something that they need to deal with but they are very concerned for their safety. They are concerned that the town did not take the necessary precautions from the beginning. George suggested that the town park the old cruiser at different locations on Leonhardt Road over the weekend to deter people from speeding. Tony thought that this was a good idea and authorized George to park the cruiser on Leonhardt Road and to move it periodically during the weekend to see if this helps. Tony advised that he visited the work area and the new bridge has been set so it should not be too long before the road work is completed.
5:02 PM George motioned to adjourn the meeting, John seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted, _______________________________
Nina Weiler, Secretary William F. Cavanaugh, Chairman