Board of Selectmen
August 5, 2009
Members present: William Cavanaugh, John Murray, George Fuller
Others Present: Tony Blair, David Bonney, Alice Briggs, Ann Krawet, Madeleine Swindlehurst, Zina Jayne, Bert Goodermote, Bill Brownhill, Beth VanNess, Julie Maynard, Jeanne Morano, Jim Marko
7:00 PM Meeting opened. Reviewed minutes. John motioned to accept the minutes of July 15, 2009, George seconded. All in favor.
John motioned to set the date for a Special Town Meeting on Saturday, August 29, 2009 at 7:00 PM and open the warrant for submission of articles from 8:30 AM on August 6, 2009 until August 11, 2009 at 4:00 PM, George seconded. All in favor. The Selectmen will go over the warrant articles with the Finance Committee at a meeting on August 11, 2009 at 7:00 PM.
Public Input: Ann Krawet advised that she and others are carrying a petition regarding the truck traffic on Wade Inn Road. The petition states that residents are concerned with their safety since tractor trailers are being diverted from Route 20 onto Wade Inn Road and Cross Road and other back roads in Becket. She asked if anyone wanted to sign this petition.
Tony explained the article from Town Clerk to be included on the warrant of the Special Town Meeting on August 29, 2009. The Selectmen will review this article at the meeting on August 11, 2009.
The Selectmen discussed the Wade Inn Road truck traffic issue. Tony advised that Mass Highway sent him a reply to his letter which stated that the state will not allow trucks over the weight limit for these bridges to pass over them. Tony also advised that there is going to be a meeting on Friday, August 14, 2009 with Mass Highway and he, George Fuller, Lenny Tisdale, Rep. Guyer, Rep. Pignatelli, someone from Williams Stone Company and someone from the trucking company and a few residents from Becket will be in attendance to discuss this situation. Madeleine Swindlehurst submitted a letter and would like this letter included at the meeting. George would like the petition to be included also. George would like to know why the state is issuing overweight permits but not giving them a route to
haul it on. Jeanne Morano asked if there was a distinction between a truck route and a town way. John advised that this is one of the issues that will be dealt with at this meeting. The Selectmen will report what happened at the meeting at their next Selectmen’s meeting.
7:30 PM George motioned to open the Pole Hearing, John seconded. All in favor. Jim Marko, from WMECO, was in attendance. The Selectmen reviewed the petition and had Jim explain what was going to be done. Nina advised that Len Tisdale reviewed the plans and did not have a problem with it. There was no public input regarding this. John motioned to approve the pole petition, George seconded. All in favor.
The Selectmen reviewed letters of interest for the Harbor Master position. George motioned to interview both people at their next regularly scheduled meeting, John seconded. All in favor. The Selectmen would also like to send Andy Cavanaugh a letter of thanks for his service as Harbor Master for the past few years.
John motioned to issue a permit for a one-day liquor license for the Becket Arts Center on August 16, 2009 from 2-8 p.m., George seconded. Nina advised that it would be wine only. All in favor.
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August 5, 2009
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John motioned to sign the liquor licenses for KMS, Inc. d/b/a Becket Country Store for a seasonal all alcoholic and an annual beer and wine package goods store license, George seconded. All in favor. The Selectmen reviewed a letter from the new owners of the Becket Country Store about having a grand opening celebration at the store that would include free hotdogs and hamburgers from the grill, slush puppies, bouncy bounce and mini golf. John motioned to allow Becket Country Store to have a grand opening celebration, George seconded. All in favor.
The Selectmen reviewed the Release Notification and Notice of Responsibility from DEP regarding the release of mineral oil dielectric fluid from a transformer at 142 Jacobs Ladder Road. The letter states that WMECO is responsible for the cleanup and will need to file the proper paperwork with the DEP once the cleanup is completed.
John motioned to list meeting dates on the 2010 Community Birthday Calendar and to purchase two calendars, George seconded. All in favor.
The Selectmen reviewed letter regarding diesel fuel leak on private property by fire truck responding to structure fire. Tony advised that the fire department was responding to a house fire when one of the trucks stopped running. The truck was towed across the street to the Becket Country Store so that it would not pose an obstacle or a hazard. A mechanic came after the fire was put out to repair the fuel filter gasket. Approximately five gallons of diesel fuel leaked onto the ground underneath the truck. The fire chief tried to clean it up but was unsuccessful. The DEP was called to assess the scene. The contaminated soil will need to be removed. Tony advised that he contacted the insurance company and this would be covered under the town’s policy. Bill advised
that he spoke with the fire chief after the fire was put out and he expressed concern about having difficulty accessing the pond behind the house. The Selectmen briefly discussed dry hydrants around town. John Murray advised that he would be willing to help with the installation of the dry hydrants. Tony also spoke with the director of the YMCA camp and he would help with the funding.
The Selectmen reviewed the letter from the School Committee of the CBRSD asking for a representative to serve on the Strategic Planning Committee. The CBRSD is embarking on the formation of a long term Strategic Plan. John motioned to appoint George Fuller to the Strategic Planning Committee, Bill seconded. The motion passed.
The Selectmen reviewed the letter of interest from Bonnie Falk to be appointed to the Becket Cultural Council. John motioned to appoint Bonnie Falk to the Becket Cultural Council term to expire June 30, 2012, George seconded. All in favor.
The Selectmen reviewed the letters to Representatives Denis Guyer and Benjamin Downing regarding Senate 2120 “An Act Further Regulating Animal Control”. This act would increase fees that Town Clerks collect for dog licenses and the additional fees would go to the State. These letters are opposing this act since it increases the cost for the residents but the town does not benefit by the extra fees. This would also create more work for the Town Clerk. John motioned to sign the letter to Representatives Denis Guyer and Benjamin Downing opposing Senate 2120 “An Act Further Regulating Animal Control”, George seconded. All in favor.
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August 5, 2009
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The Selectmen reviewed the letter of resignation from Leon Glazerman from the South Berkshire Technology Committee effective immediately. Tony was not sure if this committee was in existence any longer but he will check on this. John motioned to accept the resignation of Leon Glazerman from the South Berkshire Technology Committee effective immediately, George seconded. All in favor. The Selectmen would like a letter of thanks sent to Leon.
The Selectmen reviewed the Final Clean Energy Choice Community Matching Grant Agreement. Tony explained how this grant works. The Town earned $67.50 because residents in the community paid a premium for renewable energy from Clean Energy Choice-certified suppliers. John motioned to sign the Final Clean Energy Choice Community Matching Grant Agreement, George seconded. All in favor.
The Selectmen reviewed the monthly reports of the Building Inspector, Police Department and Animal Control Officer. The Selectmen briefly discussed the police department report. George asked about the overnight calls. He had asked that Bill break these calls down so the Selectmen could see what were false alarm calls. Tony advised that he had spoken to Bill regarding this and he would start breaking down the overnight calls.
Any other business: Beth VanNess advised that she is a member of the Berkshire Medical Reserves Corp and they are actively looking for volunteers to train. She explained that she gets medical training and has learned how to handle situations like the ice storm. She would like to be included on the list of contacts for emergencies.
Nina advised that Lenny Tisdale gave her some Chapter 90 Project requests that need to be signed. John motioned to sign the Chapter 90 Project Reimbursement Request in the amount of $19,198.77 for equipment purchase and the Chapter 90 Project Requests in the amount of $6,224.00 for Gould Road Rehaping/Chip Seal, in the amount of $12,980.00 for the reshaping of Fred Snow Road, in the amount of $156,703.00 for County Road Cold in Place Recycling/Resurfacing, in the amount of $18,375.00 for Hamilton Road Resurfacing and in the amount of $26,964.00 for Hamilton Road Resurfacing, Bill seconded. George abstained from voting. Motion passed.
Tony passed out information regarding the Green Communities Grant information. He is currently working on this grant. This grant would assist towns in finding ways to reduce energy use. Tony explained how this grant works. One part of this grant program is to purchase more fuel efficient vehicles. Tony drafted a proposed Motor Vehicle Purchasing Policy for the Town of Becket. If the Selectmen adopt this policy then the town would have met all three of the criteria for this grant. John motioned to adopt the Motor Vehicle Purchasing Policy for the Town of Becket, George seconded. All in favor.
Tony advised that he received a memo from our insurance company regarding the use of cell phones while driving municipal vehicles. The insurance company would like the town to adopt a policy which does not allow the employee the use of a cell phone while driving a town owned vehicle. Tony advised that this will not save the town any money but will help our overall rating by the insurance company. John motioned to adopt the Cell Phone Use While Driving Policy, George seconded. All in favor. Tony advised that he gave the policy to the police, fire and ambulance chiefs and to Lenny Tisdale to review and they had no problem with it. George asked if the town would help pay for hands-free phones since he uses his cell phone while
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August 5, 2009
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working because there are many spots in town that the radios do not work and the only way to get to him is by cell phone. Tony will check into this.
Tony advised that there are interested people who wish to serve on the CDBG Grant Task Force. He suggested that the Selectmen stop at seven members. He asked the Selectmen to try to get the word out that they are looking for members for this task force. He thought that it would be good to have members from all geographical areas of town.
Reviewed correspondence.
8:40 PM John motioned to adjourn, George seconded. All in favor.
Reviewed payroll/expense warrants.
Respectfully submitted, _______________________________
Nina Weiler, Secretary William F. Cavanaugh, Chairman