Date: December 5, 2012
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Becket Town Hall
557 Main Street, Becket
1. Select Board intends to go into Executive Session under G.L. c. 30A, sec. (a) (3) with respect to litigation as discussing the matter at an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the position of the public body; votes may be taken.
2. Select Board’s Comments and Announcements.
3. Town Administrator’s report.
4. Select Board to review minutes of previous meeting(s).
5. Public Input.
6. Scholarship Committee to address the Board regarding past practices.
7. Paul Campbell to address the Board regarding the State Cultural Districts initiative.
8. Patricia Mullins of Berkshire Regional Planning Commission to address the Board regarding Contract Amendments for the CDBG and Green Communities Grants.
9. Select Board to consider the Town Administrator’s appointment of interim highway superintendent.
10. Berkshire Public Health Alliance to address the Board regarding services they provide to the Board of Health.
11. Gary Shepard of the Berkshire Regional Transit Authority to address the Board regarding transportation for the elderly.
12. Select Board to consider signing liquor license renewal applications for the following: Berkshire Berries for an annual all alcoholic restaurant license; Berkshire Berries for an annual wine and malt package store license; Mountain Grove Association for an annual all alcoholic club license; Dream Away Lodge for an annual all alcoholic restaurant license; Sherwood Shoppe for an annual all alcoholic package store license; Becket Country Store for an annual wine and malt package store license; Uncle Larry’s Tavern for an annual all alcoholic restaurant license; and Becket General Store for an annual all alcoholic package store license.
13. Select Board to review letter of interest from Roger Peltier, Jr. to be appointed the Plumbing/Gas Inspector.
14. Monthly reports of the Animal Control Officer, Police Department, Citations Issued and Ambulance Department.
15. Any other business to come before the Board.
16. Review Correspondence.
17. Select Board intends to go into Executive Session under G.L. c. 30A, sec. (a) (2) to discuss strategy with respect to preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel, votes may be taken..
18. The Select Board will not reconvene after the executive session.