Date: September 5, 2012
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Becket Town Hall
557 Main Street, Becket
1. Select Board’s Comments and Announcements.
2. Town Administrator’s report.
3. Select Board to review minutes of previous meeting(s).
4. Public Input.
5. Brian Domina, of Berkshire Regional Planning Commission, to speak on Hazard Mitigation Plan.
6. Markelle Smith, of the Nature Conservancy, to update Select Board on town parcel off of Maple Street.
7. Select Board to discuss use of Historical Commission Room by Police Department.
8. Select Board to consider approving the Town Administrator’s appointment of Tyler Miller as a part time police officer.
9. Select Board to review letter from Finance Committee regarding salary survey.
10. Select Board to consider awarding bid for 2013 Plow Truck.
11. Select Board to discuss update on the status of the Becket Washington School’s septic line.
12. Select Board to discuss status of Board of Health membership.
13. Select Board to consider issuing a proclamation declaring the month of September officially Hunger Action Month.
14. Any other business to come before the Board.
15. Review Correspondence.