Date: July 6, 2011
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Becket Town Hall
557 Main Street, Becket
1. Selectmen’s Comments and Announcements.
2. Selectmen to review minutes of previous meeting(s).
3. Public Input.
4. Selectmen to vote to appoint two conservation commissioners, one member to the finance committee and one alternate to the Massachusetts Broadband Initiative.
5. 7:15 PM Public hearing on petition of Becket General Store, Inc. d/b/a Becket General Store for the transfer of an annual all alcoholic package goods store license from Phat Al’s, Inc. d/b/a Becket General Store located at 30 Washington Street.
6. Selectmen to review letter regarding the legality of the June 29, 2011 caucus.
7. Parks Commission to address the Board.
8. Selectmen to review letter from the DEP and the Becket Arts Center regarding Public Water System determination.
9. Selectmen to review and vote to sign Vocational Transportation Bus Contract.
10. Selectmen to discuss pay increase for fulltime ambulance department workers and vote to sign Wage and Benefit Agreements for Ambulance Department employees.
11. Selectmen to review and vote to sign revised Service Agreement by and between the Center for EcoTechnology, Inc. and the Town of Becket.
12. Selectmen to vote to sign the annual agreement with the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association.
13. Selectmen to vote to submit Fiscal Dues to the Berkshire County Selectmen’s Association.
14. Selectmen to discuss transfer of funds.
15. Selectmen to vote to sign Dog Officer warrant for fiscal year 2012.
16. Selectmen to discuss public notice for Municipal Lighting Plant.
17. Selectmen to vote to certify that they took no action on extraordinary capital bonding in the amount of $1,600,000 for the repair and/or replacement of the roof and skylights at Craneville School and in the amount of $330,000 for the replacement and/or repair of the roof and several windows at Kittredge School.
18. Selectmen to vote to sign Becket Ambulance Department Request for Write-Off Report.
19. Monthly report of the Ambulance Department.
20. Selectmen to review Special Permit application from the Planning Board for a dwelling unit over a permitted commercial business office on the campgrounds of Camp Lenox.
21. Selectmen to review Special Permit application from the Planning Board to change the height of a 130 ft long shadow fence from 6 ft to 8 ft tall at 679 Main Street.
22. Selectmen to review Special Permit application from the Planning Board for a one-bedroom apartment above existing general store at 30 Washington Street.
23. Any other business to come before the Board.
24. Review Correspondence.