Date: October 7, 2009
1. 7:00 PM Selectmen to review minutes of previous meeting(s).
2. 7:05 PM Public Input.
3. Town Administrator’s report.
Cub Scout sign issue
CDBG Community Development Strategy Public Hearing on Sat. 10/10/09 at 10:00AM.
Status of EECBG grant application
Report on sale of surplus vehicles
Report on Emergency Management issues
4. Selectmen to review and vote to sign contract for the Bituminous Concrete Resurfacing of Various Roads.
5. Selectmen to review and vote to sign Agreement for Shared Vocational Transportation Services between the Towns of Becket and Washington and the Town of Chester.
6. Selectmen to review interoffice memo from the Town Clerk regarding Summary of the Conflict of Interest Law and New Training Requirements and to appoint the Town Administrator as the liaison officer with the Ethics Commission.
7. Selectmen to vote to waive, assign or exercise its right of first refusal for property located on County Road.
8. Selectmen to review and discuss draft license agreement for a dry hydrant at Crystal Pond.
9. Selectmen to review letter to camps and others re numbering of buildings for emergency management, assessors and others.
10. Selectmen to review application to ZBA for a Dimensional Special Permit for the construction of an exterior stair from a first floor deck to grade which is along the same line as addition but creates a new non-conformity.
11. Selectmen to review request from Alice Briggs, Garden Manager, Becket Community Garden, for a licensing agreement with the town to sell produce at a small farm stand.
12. Selectmen to review “Green Communities Special Event” invitation.
13. Invitation to the Berkshire County Selectmen’s Association Dinner Meeting on Thursday, October 15, 2009 at the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club.
14. Selectmen to vote to initial the Becket Ambulance Department Request for Write-Off Report.
15. Selectmen to review monthly reports of the Ambulance Department and the Building Inspector.
16. Any other business to come before the Board.
17. Review Correspondence.
18. Selectmen to review payroll/expense warrants.