Date: June 3, 2009
1. 7:00 PM Selectmen to review minutes of previous meeting(s).
2. 7:05 PM Public Input.
3. Doug Hearle to address the Board regarding the Center Pond Preservation and Protection Association and the current owners of the dam at Center Pond.
4. Maddy Elovirta to address the Board regarding the Assistance to Firefighters Fire Station Construction Grants.
5. Selectmen to vote to approve the Town Administrator’s appointments.
6. Selectmen to vote to sign the Wage and Benefit Agreements for various town employees.
7. Selectmen to vote to transfer money to various accounts.
8. Selectmen to review letter from George Fuller and vote to allow him to collect a salary as a Selectman.
9. Selectmen to review email from Robert Gerner regarding the Becket General Store.
10. Selectmen to sign an all alcoholic package store license for Phat Al’s, Inc. d/b/a Becket General Store.
11. Selectmen to vote to appoint Stephen LaBelle, Sr. as the alternate to the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission term to expire June 30, 2010.
12. Selectmen to vote to appoint Tony Blair as the Chief Procurement Officer as of July 1, 2009.
13. Selectmen to vote to sign Extension of Agreement between CET and Town of Becket for the Collection of Hazardous Waste through the Multi-Town Collaborative.
14. Monthly report of the Ambulance Department and Board of Assessors.
15. Any other business to come before the Board.
16. Review Correspondence.
17. Selectmen to review payroll/expense warrants.