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Sherwood Greens Road District Minutes 1/5/13
January 5, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 9:07 AM.

Present were Prudential Committee members:  David Neelon, John Kammerman, Margaret Rodriquez and Terry Hayden. Also present were:  Jill Moretz, Treasurer; Mary White, Clerk; Jaime Garanzuay, Road Superintendant, Richard Pryor, Michael Lavery and Ken Einhorn.

 The minutes for December were reviewed and accepted

The Treasurer’s report for October (revised) and the report for November were reviewed and accepted
The Warrant was reviewed and signed
Margaret asked Jill if she could prepare a year to date report monthly. Jill agreed to do this.
See attached report.

There are still a few trees hanging over roads to be removed, and still some cleanup from the big storm to be completed.
The further installation of signs and replacing of smaller rocks on beach with large ones will wait until the spring thaw.
There was discussion of several road related issues. 1; Time span for replacing rocks. 2; When plans are made, one person should be responsible for follow through, i.e., When, how much,etc. 3; When Jaime “talks to Ernie”, what was the resolution between Jaime and Ernie? The Prudential Committee needs to have more specifics. 4; We need a list every year of necessities and the annual “wish list”. 5; At every meeting we talk about signs, and these are still not done. Maybe a simple way would be along with acceptance of Road Report, there should also be a report of work going forward, with everyone getting a copy. Margaret suggested that we need an action list. Maybe Mary can record list of what is done ad to be done and who is following up. John will send out after each meeting a “synopsis and action list”.
We need more communication. 6; the snow banks at the entry way need to be cut back enough for us to see what is coming up the road before we pull out. 7; There as a problem with ledge on Silverleaf Drive. Are there any options as to what to do about the ledge? Margaret volunteered to ask Ernie to submit a list of options to solve the problem with the approximate cost of each option to be submitted at the next meeting. It was suggested that a letter be written to Ernie requesting this. Margaret volunteered to write the letter. Jaime will also speak to Ernie about the problem. It was suggested that in the spring we get an engineering report on the ledge problem, as sometimes it costs less to have a professional opinion than to do the job piece meal. 8: David mentioned the water problem at the Jackman property. Has anyone ever involved Mr. Jackman in the solution to the problem? If this will involve an engineer, perhaps Mr. Jackman would be willing to split the cost.

The road Report was accepted


When plowing, Ernie generally waits for the snow to taper off before plowing. If the snowfall is too great, Ernie will come in and plow while it is still snowing. Sand sinks into a fresh snowfall, so it is not appropriate to sand immediately.
The plowing after three inches of snow edict is still in effect. Michael Lavery said that it is difficult to make the turn onto Trail Circle from Robinwood, and asked if it could be plowed wider. There was a complaint that a resident who uses Robinwood routinely  puts his plow down and also sands  when  going in or out from his home. The problem with this is that the sand he uses is mixed with salt and makes a big mess of that road. John will write him a letter asking him to please not sand.


Jeff sent an e-mail  about phragmite removal. He asked if someone could look at specific areas in the three lakes.


Since John cannot be here for Feb. 23, the motion was made, seconded and accepted to change the meeting to March 2nd.

Michael Lavery said that he is a new resident of Sherwood Greens, and since there are no mail boxes available in the clusters, would it be all right if he puts up an individual box next to the clusters. There were no objections, since there are already individual boxes there. It was brought up that if we purchase the extra land at the entryway, we should look into moving the existing clusters to a more convenient place, and looking into adding another cluster. John will write to the Postal Service addressing the issue. When we get a reply from the Post Office, we will decide what we will do.

Terry reported that
Ernie has spent $ 200.00 from the storm account.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:59 AM.

The next meeting will be on March 2, 2013.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary S. White
District Clerk