December 1, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 9:07 AM.
Present were Prudential Committee members: David Neelon, Betsy Epstein, John Kammerman and Terry Hayden. Also present were: Jill Moretz, Treasurer; Mary White, Clerk; Jaime Garanzuay, Road Superintendant.
The minutes were reviewed and accepted
The Treasurer’s report was reviewed and accepted with the understanding that there is a discrepancy of approximately $800.00 which the treasurer will investigate further.
The Warrant was reviewed and signed
Terry gave a report on the status of the land purchase from Town of Becket. Janet Pumphrey, because of a conflict of interest, referred our business to Michael Considine, who was slow to respond. The Land Court is also rather slow. The Town is prepared to sell land to is, but there is a question as to whether the land should have been put up for auction.
There is also a question of past deed transfers. Mr. Considine referred us to Elizabeth Goodman, who is an expert in questions of title search. Terry spoke to Ms. Goodman who said that normally the land would have been brought up for auction. She also thought that if the transfer has gone through Land Court it should be OK. She will look into it.
There was a question why we, as purchasers, should have to spend all this money to correct a problem that the Town should have caught. David said that if there is a question of clear title with N. & B. Associates, that is where the large expense will be. The lawyer will recommend whether or not we should continue with the purchase. The Attorney wants a $500.00 retainer.
A motion was made, seconded and voted to accept the agreement from Ware and Goodman LLC.
See attached report.
Jaime and Ernie drove around after the storm, and found that the work done before the storm has alleviated most of the previous problems. There are two culverts that will have to be replaced with larger ones, and the rip-rap from Johnson Rd. should be extended. The culverts should be cleaned on a regular basis.
The gate at the outlet from Little Long Bow has been clogged up, which has been keeping lake levels higher. Also, there have been some problems with debris causing back-ups at culverts. There is a tree near Moore’s home that needs to be removed. Some of the rocks at the beach need to be replaced, and more need to be added. More signs will be placed at different areas, but we need to purchase more.
The road report was accepted.
There was no lakes report.
Terry Hayden inquired if the Prudential Comte. received the final (10%) payment from FEMA. John Kammerman and David Neelon recalled Jeanne and Richard Pryor advising that it was received. The funds were not identified in any Treasurers’ report prior to the December 1st meeting. Terry did not recall the mentioning of the funds delivered to the Prudential Comte. The Treasurer offered to check the bank account to verify whether the funds were actually deposited, or if this remains an outstanding issue to follow up.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 AM.
The next meeting will be on January 5, 2013.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary S. White
District Clerk