Sherwood Greens Road District Prudential Committee Special Meeting
Minutes-October 13, 2012
Present: John Kammerman, Chairperson
Terry Hayden, Committee Member
David Neelon, Committee Member
Margaret Rodriquez, Committee Member
It being determined that a quorum of 4 members was present, the meeting was called to order at 9:10AM.
Following the general agenda established for the meeting, the first order of business was the transfer of property from Town of Becket to Sherwood Greens. John Kammerman made a motion to appoint Terry Hayden to be the liaison representing Sherwood Greens regarding the recent purchase and transfer of the property at the entrance to the Greens. David Neelon seconded, and all were in favor.
The second order of business concerned filling the soon to be vacated position of Treasurer.
Outreach so far has revealed a referral from within the Committee and the names of local treasurers from surrounding towns. Interim research also revealed that Thomas Scanlon& Associates is an auditing firm common to all local surrounding towns, and may prove valuable as an additional resource for identification of potential candidates.
A motion was made my Terry Hayden that John Kammerman go forward with testing the interests and availability of Treasurers of surrounding towns. The motion was seconded by Margaret Rodriquez and all were in favor. John Kammerman to report back to Prudential Committee via e-mail prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting.
A discussion ensued of potentially changing the role of Road Superintendent with regard to expanded duties and responsibilities beginning with the Fiscal Year 2013 at the Annual Meeting June 2013.
A revision of the current by-laws may be required. We will review the existing by-laws in conjunction with accessing legal counsel regarding establishment of a modified structure for the new position.
The next discussion was with regard to Driveway Permits. The discussion centered around enforceability of language contained in any existing, or newly drafted permit. Attorney guidance will be sought regarding the ability to invoke Town legal authority with regard to accessing Title permits such that the Town would notify the SGPrudential Committee when an intent to build occurred and the SGPC would then be asked to sign off on Driveway Permits as a prerequisite. John Kammerman to pursue with our attorney within the limitations of our existing budget.
Lastly, David Neelon provided information from the meeting he attended regarding the Town of Becket’s Finance Committee Advisory Board’s recommendation to change tax billing from quarterly to biannually for the potential of saving money. The town Tax Collector provided evidence advising against such a change but districts were invited to discuss option. The evidence being heavily against any cost benefit and the district representatives present (2) not dissenting, the decision was made to effect no change in tax billing cycle.
There being no further business, a motion was made by John Kammerman, seconded by David Neelon, and with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 11:30am.
Minutes taken by Margaret Rodriquez, CommitteePerson.