SEPTEMBER 22, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 9:05AM.
Present were committee members: Jeff Kotkin, John Kammerman , Terry Hayden and David Neelon. Also present were: Jeanne Pryor, Treasurer; Mary White, Clerk; Jaime Garanzuay, Road Superintendant; Ernie Lampron, Steve Stambler , and Richard Pryor.
The minutes were reviewed and accepted.
Treasurer’s report:
The Treasurer’s report was accepted.
The warrant was signed.
Jeanne Pryor resigned as Treasurer/Accountant effective October 31, 2012. Mary will advertize for an Accountant in the Eagle and the Country Journal, and John will send E-mails to all residents for a Treasurer. Due to time restraints, a special meeting may be necessary for further discussion.
Road Report:
The work on Trail Circle has been completed along with some brush removal, and Silver Leaf sec.1 to Robinwood has been Graded, Raked and Rolled.
Houses on Trail Circle will be responsible for any further damage, although there appears to be none.
A tree was removed from Long Bow East due to storm damage.
The message board has been painted.
There is work that must be done on Robinwood and Silver leaf sec. 2. This should wait until the house is built and heavy traffic has ceased. There was some discussion as to whether to use black top or rip rap on the ditches at the end of Robinwood.
It was moved, seconded and voted to authorize Ernie up to $1,500.00 to repair damaged swale on Silver Leaf sec.2 and Robinwood.
There is not much more work that has to be done before winter, mostly a few pot holes. The roads are holding up pretty well this year.
Mr. Scannell has agreed to repair any damage to S.G. specs. when work is finished on his home.
Ernie will paint the background of the stone wall signs at the entrance way .
Jaime will speak to Len Tisdale, ToB Road Superintendant, about obtaining signage.
The Road Report was accepted.
Richard Pryor pointed out that further signage is needed at other lakes and entrances. He also mentioned that there is some brush at the junction of Longbow West and Johnson Road that needs to be removed for visibility. It is unknown whether this is Town property or S.G. property.
John explained that our Driveway Permits are not adequate to protect our roads. Margaret will draft up a new template addressing construction damage and other issues for the permits.
The divers are done for this year. Ernie will be asked to remove the cart from the beach.
We had a rough start with the divers this year. One bowed out, and the other two can only work part time after work, amounting to about 25 hours. They will train a third diver for next year. They have been able to fill only about 35 bags. They should be able to get an earlier start next year.
Hopefully, Aquatic control will be able to file for a permit with the Cons. Com, to use chemicals next year.
This fall, Aquatic control will spray for Phragmites and Purple Leaf Strife.
There was much discussion as to where there might be a better place for the divers to leave weeds for drying.
Lakes report was accepted.
There was some discussion about whether or not we are liable for divers in case of an accident.
Mary questioned the political signs in our entry way. She felt that this is a common area, and most of the residents here can not vote in local elections. Also, those who are permanent residents probably would not all vote for the same people. The Prudential committee agreed, and there will not be any political signs allowed in the future.
There was discussion about keeping the land line phone or getting a cell phone instead. For now we will keep the land line.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:10 AM.
The next meeting will be held on October 27, 2012
Respectfully submitted,
Mary S. White
District Clerk