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Sherwood Greens Road District Minutes 6/23/12
JUNE 23, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 AM.
Present were committee members: Joe  Gaze, Betsy Epstein, Jeff Kotkin, David Neelon, John Kammerman, Terry Hayden, and Margaret Rodriquez Also present were: Jeanne Pryor, Treasurer; Mary White, Clerk; Jaime Garanzuay, Road Superintendant; Ernie Lampron, Richard Pryor, and Stan Locke.
The minutes were reviewed and accepted.
Treasurer’s report:
Jeanne gave the Treasurer’s report. We currently have $29,537.24 in available cash.
The Treasurer’s report was accepted.

The warrant was reviewed and signed.
Ernie Lampron suggested that areas of road contiguous to where FEMA work is being done, be done at the same time. There is the danger of roads washing out unless these areas are done together.
The motion was made and seconded to allow Jaime to spend up to $19,950 for four projects, which are: Robinwood, Long Bow Lane East, and ditching and culvert replacement on Long Bow Lane East and Shuttlecock. The motion carried unanimously.
It was moved and seconded that Always Growing be given the contract for mowing the entrance way and beach. The motion carried unanimously.
Road Report:
On 06/08 Jaime spoke to Ernie about the placement of Rip Rap (FEMA work)
On 06/09 Jaime discussed with Ernie the schedule for roadside mowing. The first mowing should be on June 29th, with the second mowing in mid September.
On 06/11 Jaime and Ernie discussed road repairs that need to completed within the scope of the FEMA project. On the same day, Mike Callahan from Beaver Solutions informed Jaime that there is a partial block in the new culvert under Shuttlecock. He was unable to enter the grate because it requires a special tool which he does not have.
On 06/19 Jaime and Ernie discussed cutting down trees on Robinwood that were blocking the road sign, and ditching and culvert work that needs to be dine on Robinwood. This work was completed on 06/09. Also discussed was removal of rocks protruding from the middle of Silver Leaf Drive. Jaime said to not do any work there until he had spoken to the Committee about available funds.
06/22 Jaime spoke with Mike from Beaver Solutions. Mike will be in Sherwood Greens on June 27th to clean out beaver fences. Jaime also spoke with Richard Pryor, who has voluntarily handled all aspects of FEMA funding and work, to ascertain where we stand on those projects. He and Richard also discussed road sign procurement. Richard suggested that Jaime get in touch with the Becket Highway Superintendant, Lenny Tisdale to see what they do.
There was much discussion as to whether we should replace the bolts on the Shuttlecock culvert with a quick release device, or continue using the bolts. It was brought up that the quick release might not be the best route to take, because of possible liability if an unauthorized person were to trigger the quick release and become injured. Jaime should ask Beaver Solutions what kind of access to culverts would easiest for them, and still be safe from tampering.
Jaime has been doing much cleaning of the culvert on Shuttlecock, however since that is not in his job description, workers comp. would probably not cover him if he were to be injured. The clearing of culverts should be left up to Beaver Solutions, which is part of our contract with them.
There was some discussion about conformity of our road signs with town road signs. The Committee suggested that Jaime contact Mr.Tisdale about possibly getting one “one way” and one “Old Abby Lane West” sign from the town.
It was moved and seconded to authorize the Road Superintendant to spend up to $1,000.00 for Emergency or Preventative situations. The motion carried unanimously.

The Road Superintendant’s Report was accepted.

Jeff reported that hand pulling of weeds has met with limited success. Mark, from Aquatic Control, is hesitant to approach the Conservation Committee at this time.  There is a treatment called “Clipper” which has not yet been approved for use in MA, but which , hopefully, will be approved by next year that he would like to use.
Our lakes are in a really bad situation; they have massive algae bloom and pond scum, but we cannot do anything constructive without Cons. Com. approval.
Per the Treasurer, we have $1,600 to spend in June, and $10,000 to spend for FY 2013, so all lake work will have to be addressed within those limits.
The Becket Board of Health submitted a statement for water testing, which is mandated by the State.
The Lakes Report was accepted.
Jaime Guranzuay was reappointed as Road Superintendant for FY 2013.
Next year the Committee should begin in April discussing Appointments, so that appointments are made in a timely manner.
David read a section of the letter from Kopleman and Page regarding the improvement of inactive roads. He suggested that a plan be made for doing work on inactive and roads not up to specs.
John, David and Betsy will meet next week to draw up a rational plan for road work on these roads.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 AM.
Our next meeting will be on July 28, 2012
Respectfully submitted,

Mary S.  White,
District Clerk