Sherwood Greens Road Improvement & Maintenance District
Prudential Committee
Minutes for December 3, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 9:03 AM.
Present were committee members: John Kammerman, Betsy Epstein, Terry Hayden, Jeff Kotkin, and David Neelon. Also present were: Jeanne Pryor, treasurer; Jaime Garanzuay, road superintendant; Mary White, clerk; Richard Pryor and Leslie Kammerman .
The minutes for October 22 were reviewed and accepted, with amendment.
The Treasurer’s report was accepted.
The warrant was reviewed and signed.
There were some questions about the property purchased at the entry-way. Tax title procedure and Tax exemptions were explained. We will have Janet Pumphry, our attorney; take care of everything to do with the purchase.
In answer to an inquiry, MEMA has not yet reviewed our application for hurricane relief.
Road Report:
Jaime spoke to Mike from Beaver Solutions about our beaver troubles. Mike said it is unusual, but not unheard of, to have so many beaver in one lake. Sometimes the young do not leave the nest as soon as usual. Beaver can reach up to four feet to chew on trees. Do not let dogs swim in the lake, as beaver perceive dogs as a threat. Healthy beaver do not attack humans.
If beaver are removed from the lake, they will most likely return in 2 to 3 years. There was more discussion as to what we can do with the beaver. No conclusions were reached. If we trap them, we may lose our ASPCA grant.
The beaver have clogged the culvert on Shuttlecock again. Jaime unclogged it, but the water is getting too cold for that. Mike will try to unclog it, but if he cannot, the screen will have to be removed. We have a contract with Beaver solutions, and Jaime should not have to do the unclogging. We should set up a schedule with Mike, so we do not have to call him when this has to be done again. It would be better to have a regular maintenance schedule.
Scott Levy’s tenant in the Long Bow West house has installed solar lighting close enough to the road that they may be damaged during plowing. Since we have no way of knowing who the renter is, it was moved, seconded and voted unanimously to have Mary White write to Mr. Levy to pass the information along to his tenant, CC to Ernie.
It was also moved, seconded and voted unanimously to have Mary write to Ernie asking that he not do cut-outs in front of 162 Long Bow West so as not to damage the fence in front.
We will ask our attorney to look into whether the residents on Johnson Road, which was originally part of Sherwood Greens, have rights to use the lake and common areas.
Richard Pryor spoke to Dave Smith of the Mass Highway Dept. about runoff from Rt. 20. Dave said that as far as they are concerned, the water is diverted to wetlands, and our road run off is not their problem. Richard also asked that an apron be put in where our entry way enters and exits the highway. This was done promptly.
Thank you Richard for all your work.
Foresight sent a field report and map of locations of our culverts. More information is available if needed. The final report should be provided by January 7, 2012. There was much discussion on the report.
Lake Report:
It was suggested that Aquatic control submit an application for a submerged weed treatment, with the N.O.I. to be submitted sometime in the spring, emphasizing what we did with the diver, and ask if we can do a treatment followed with the diver. Stress the point that we are trying every non-chemical treatment we can, with limited success. The more information submitted the better.
Additional Business:
John asked where we stand on installing gates. We don’t, as at present we have no money.
It was asked what we can do about an unfinished house. This does not fall within our jurisdiction. The town building inspector will have to be consulted.
It was also asked what can be done about condemning and/or tearing down a derelict property. The same advice as the previous question was given.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:25 AM.
The next meeting will be on January 7, 2012
Respectfully submitted,
Mary S. White
District Clerk