BECKET, MA. 01223
PHONE 413-623-8330
The meeting was called to order at 9:07 AM.
Present were Committee members: Joe Gaze, Betsy Epstein, Jeff Kotkin and David Neelon. Also present were: Mary White, Clerk; Jaime Garanzuay, Road Superintendant; Jeanne Pryor, Treasurer; and Richard Pryor.
After review, it was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to accept the minutes for the Sept. 24thmeeting.
After review, it was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to accept the minutes for the Special District Meeting.
After review, it was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to accept the report.
The Warrant was reviewed and signed.
Jeanne Pryor read a section of the legislation creating our Road District, which states that the District, since it is tax exempt, does not have to pay Real Estate taxes.
The Assessors will be informed of this.
Jaime reported that he has removed debris from the beaver deceiver on Shuttle Cock, both from the front and from the back sides. This has to be done every couple of days to keep the beaver from blocking water flow. Jaime will ask Mike from Beaver Deceivers about putting a top on the cage.
Jaime has been doing some patrolling of the roads. He found a Dodge Dynasty that does not belong here, and asked the police to investigate. So far he has not heard back.
He also followed three teen aged boys and stopped them. They were looking for someone in Sherwood Forest.
There has been a young boy fishing in here who is not a resident or guest, and he was told he could not fish here. Jaime thinks the boy may not understand him, so he has not kept after him. Jeff said either we have a no fishing policy, or we don’t. Tell him he is trespassing, and if he continues, we will call the police.
On the 17th, Ernie blew debris from the ditches. This generated discussion as to exactly what the $2000.00 covered re. the ditch work.
David commented that the road work done on Long Bow West has come out beautifully. The Cacl seems to be doing what it should, and may-be we should do the same thing in other areas when we can afford it.
Richard said that the addition material also helps greatly.
Jeff said that when we have more money we should ditch along Long Bow East near the Johnson Road intersection.
Jeff attended a LAPA meeting on October 1st.
There is a bill before the Legislature to prevent the Federal Government from imposing further regulations on lakes.
This needs to be passed!
At the meeting Mercedes Gallagher gave an informative talk on weeds and how to get rid of them and keep them down.
Wayne, the diver, did not work during October due to health issues. He says he could possibly work until the end of November. Until we collect more taxes, and our financial situation improves, we will have to tell him to do no more work.
Richard met with FEMA agent, and reviewed Shuttle Cock at Long Bow west, lower end of Robinwood, Trail Circle, and Long Bow East. On TraiI Circle there will be more material, ditching, and a proper sign.
Betsy asked if FEMA reimbursed for work already done. Richard answered only if it was storm related.
Richard spoke to Ma DOT about runoff problems. Will they install an asphalt apron at the entrance, and can they help with the cost of larger culverts? They will get back to him before the December meeting.
Wednesday Richard will be in the field with Foresight Engineering.
All paperwork has been submitted to FEMA, and we are just waiting for approval.
There was some discussion that we should stop all work at this time, except for snow removal, until our financial situation improves.
It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously to send a letter to the Board of Selectmen, explaining why we want to purchase the land at the entry and confirming our offer of $12,000, to be in effect until November 13, 2011.
It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously to send a letter to the Board of Assessors pointing out that we do not have to pay Real Estate taxes.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:25.
The next meeting will be held on December 3. 2011.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary S. White
District Clerk