BECKET, MA. 01223
PHONE 413-623-8330
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 AM.
Present were Committee members: Joe Gaze, Terry Hayden, Betsy Epstein and John Kammerman. Also present were: Mary White, Clerk; Jaime Garanzuay, Road Superintendant; Richard Pryor, Stan Locke, Margaret Rodriquez, Pam Marquez, Leslie Kammerman, Gary and Jody Morgenegg, Steven and Susan Hovani and Steve and Mimi Stambler.
After review, it was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to accept the minutes for the last meeting.
After review, it was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to accept the report.
The Warrant was reviewed and signed.
There was a special report from Richard Pryor , who, with Jeanne, has been attending meetings with FEMA representatives. They attended one on Friday the 23rd, and will attend one on Wednesday the28th, along with representatives from Sherwood Forest and Becket Woods, which also have Road Districts, for information on procedure. FEMA will try to reimburse up to 75%, although we do not yet know what we will get. MEMA should cover over and above what FEMA reimburses. An application has gone in for reimbursement for seventy hours of work. FEMA works closely with towns and districts to best determine what needs are. A team from Foresight Engineering is working to determine what our problem areas are, and advise us what we should do about them. Richard also spoke to Peter Niles from the Lenox area of the State
Highway Dept. about the damage done to our roads from Rt. 20 run-off. The Committee thanked Richard for all the work he and Jeanne have done on this.
Virtually all work done on the roads this month was related to storms Irene and Lee. There has been much work done to repair/replace culverts, and take care of drainage problems. Some of the work includes replacing/ repairing culverts at the junctions of Long bow Lane East and Shuttlecock with Long Bow Lane West, repair of culvert on Trail Circle, dredging of ditches, repair of wash-outs, and other work caused by storm damage. Stan Locke asked where we stand right now re. repairs. Jaime answered that almost all work is completed, and it will all be covered by the approved amount voted at the last meeting. Richard Pryor says that the original estimate of the damage could be as high as $35.000.00.
Our beaver has also been hard at work trying to keep the overflow gate at Shuttlecock blocked. It appears that we will just have to have Beaver Solutions keep it un-blocked. John Kammerman says that the beaver seems to be rather aggressive, but it could be that she has young ones in the area. There was discussion on having her removed before anyone gets hurt, but it is the consensus that may-be it’s better to deal with the one we how have, since another family would move in to replace this one, and we wouldn’t know what to expect from them.
We received a letter on September 16 from Foresight Engineering outlining what they will be doing. The cost will be $5,450.00 plus expenses. It was moved, seconded to accept the proposal for $5,450.00 plus expenses.
The vote was unanimously favorable.
There was no lakes report this month.
We received another letter from Mr. Mednick. He is still unhappy with the roads near his property. There was some discussion that the roads there are in reasonable condition, and the swale at the top of Old Abbey West was put there by the town to facilitate drainage, and should not be removed.
There was also a memo from the Conservation Commission reminding us that we do not need permits for emergency work, and enclosed a copy of their emergency regulations. All action concerning them has been taken care of.
Mimi Stambler expressed concern that standing water at the roadside could breed mosquitoes. There is nothing we can do, as that is considered wet lands. Perhaps if she contacts the Cons. Comm., they would have some solution.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 AM.
The next meeting will be on October 22.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary S. White
District Clerk