JUNE 25, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 9:07 AM.
Present were Prudential Committee members: Jeff Kotkin, David Neelon, Betsy Epstein, and Terry Hayden. Also present were: Jeanne Pryor, Treasurer; Mary White, Clerk; Jaime Garanzuay, Road Superintendant; Richard Pryor, Shawna Garanzuay, John Kammerman, Margaret Rodreguez, Mimi Stambler, and Steve Stambler.
It was voted unanimously to accept the June 4, 2011 Annual District meeting minutes as amended.
It was voted unanimously to accept the June 4, 2011 Prudential Committee minutes as amended.
It was voted unanimously to accept the May 28, 2011 Prudential Committee minutes as amended.
The Treasurer’s report was reviewed and accepted.
The Warrant was reviewed and accepted.
Since it was not done at the June 4th meeting, the following officers were elected.
Joe Gaze, Chair
David Neelon, vice Chair
Janet Pumphrey, Council
Information on the 2009 revisions to the Open Meeting Law was distributed by Jeanne Pryor.
Richard Pryor reported on a conversation he had with the town road superintendant concerning the various ways and products the town uses to maintain their roads, which could also be used by the district. There is a process called chip and seal, which is a thin layer of oil then some stone added. There was much discussion concerning prices and contractors offering this process. We will look into this further . The town has also found that by changing vendors for their gravel, the dirt roads are holding up much better . Jaime will pursue this. It was decided that , in any event, our roads need more of a base and better crowns. Richard was thanked for all his effort in obtaining this information for us.
Ernie Lampron could only take the top off the protruding rock on Robinwoood. It is apparently a huge rock, which is probably why it was not removed when the road was built.
Rod Savery has mowed the roadsides, and will mow again in August. Jaime will ask him if he can mow a wider swath.
Ernie has started working on Long Bow West and the entry way. More material needs yet to be added to the entry way.
Jaime and David Neelon reviewed the list of priorities for road work. Many of those things on the list have been finished, or are not going to be done for various reasons and have been deleted. They submitted details for a new list.
There was some discussion about people not observing the posted speed limit. It is debatable whether or not this can be enforced.
It is agreed that we will install gates at the Johnson Road entrances to the Greens, but first Jaime has to contact emergency services , and it has to be decided what type of gates we want , before we continue with this project.
It was brought up that we have been paying taxes on materials for our roads, which we should not, as we are tax exempt. David said that, whenever possible, we should use our tax exempt documents.
The Road Report was unanimously accepted.
Wayne Pierce, the diver working in the lakes was told by a resident that he could not leave the pulled weeds on the beach for drying. He was told by Jeff to tell anyone questioning him, that he was answerable to Jeff, and if there was a problem to contact Jeff.
There was much discussion as to suitable dumping sites. Jeff is meeting with Wayne this afternoon to possibly come up with an alternate site.
The Lakes Report was unanimously accepted.
Shawna Garanzuay asked the board if she could have a tag sale it the entry way. She was told it is ok, providing the grounds are left in the condition they were in before the sale. The use of the entry way is to be for residents only.
There have been complaints about residents who walk the dogs and leave the plastic waste bags on the road side. Mary will write a letter advising them that this is not acceptable.
Jeanne Pryor read the letter from Janet Pumphrey in answer to an inquiry about full time residency requirements. Briefly, the letter stated that in order to be considered a full time resident one must be a voter in the Town of Becket. Also, if we want to change the by-law pertaining to the make -up of the Prudential Committee, we would have to have a special district meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:09.
Our next meeting will be on July 23, 2011.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary S. White
District Clerk