The meeting was called to order at 9:04. Present were committee members:
Joe Gaze, Jeff Kotkin, David Neelon, Stan Locke, and Betsy Epstein. Also present were:
Jeanne Pryor, Treasurer; Mary White, Clerk; Jaime Garanzuay, Road Superintendant, John Kammerman, Terry Hayden, Shawna Garanzuay and Zoe Galuchi.
The April minutes were reviewed and accepted.
The Treasurer’s report for May was reviewed and accepted.
The warrant for May was reviewed and signed.
Road report:
There is a large rock on Robinwood that has been raised by frost and will have to be removed. Cones have been set out until this can be accomplished.
There are many pot-holes that need to be filled, but the excessive rain has held up the work.
There is work that needs to be done at Old Abby West and Long Bow Lane East. The town has made a cut-back on Johnson Road and dug a ditch to Old Abby for water run-off. There was much discussion about this, and Jaime was asked to draft a letter for Joe to sign to be sent to the Town of Becket Road Superintendant.
David pointed out that, since we have to budget for all the road work, we need more planning as to priorities.
Job # 16 will be deleted from the order of priorities because to put a culvert in there would cause water to be diverted to someone’s’ property, and we cannot do that.
Stan asked Jaime to remind Ernie that the large grader must be removed from the current location after the “grade, rake and roll” is finished.
Rod Savery will be doing the roadside mowing in the middle of June and again in August.
Lakes report:
Jeff contacted Aquatic Control, and was able to get a written notice of Phragmite control extension for chemical treatment from the Cons. Comm.
The diver we hired has started to pull weeds. He has found all three weeds about which we were concerned; Bladder Wart, Large Leaf Pond Weed and Water Shield. His fee is $35.00/ hr. (until he has used up his share of the $12,000 budgeted for aquatic weed control), and he has signed a No Responsibility Contract with Sherwood Greens. Mercedes Gallagher from Center Pond has been acting as go-between for us and the diver, as she has much experience with invasive water weeds. We will ask the diver to furnish a count of number of bags of weeds removed for when we go for a new permit. Perhaps photos would also be useful. Mr. Kammerman asked if he will be pulling weeds near the shore. He was told that the diver is only pulling in the center of the lake for now, but if individual home owners want him to pull for them, it would have to be a
private deal.
It was moved, seconded and voted to accept the lakes report as read.
Annual Meeting discussion:
Joe has E-Mailed the Prudential Committee report for the Annual Meeting. There was much discussion about the break-ins alluded to in the report.
General Discussion:
Jeanne attended an L.A.P.A. meeting. Jeff has the information obtained if anyone is interested.
Stan said it would be a good idea to again contact Fire, Ambulance and Police departments about any concern they might have about our gating the East entrances to the Greens at Johnson Road. The board agreed that this is a priority.
There were complaints about mail being put in the wrong boxes. The local Post Master has been contacted, but there has been no improvement. It was agreed that the regional office should be advised of the problem.
Terry Hayden’s fence repair came to $150.00. The bill will be submitted to Ernie Lampron for payment.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:06.
The next regular meeting will be held on June 25, 2011. There will be an organizational meeting after the June4th Annual Meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary S. White
District Clerk