The meeting was called to order at 9:07.
Present were committee members: Joe Gaze, Stan Locke, Jeff Kotkin and Betsy Epstein. Also present were: Mary White, Clerk and Jaime Garanzuay, Road Superintendant.
The September minutes were reviewed and accepted.
The Treasurer’s report was accepted
The motion was made and seconded that a letter be sent to the town assessors asking for the release of Overlay Reserves.----voted unanimously.
The Warrant was signed.
Road Report
Ernie dug the ditch on Silver Leaf from the former Webb property to the start of the blacktop. So far it seems to be working.
Ernie did some cutback work on the junction of Long Bow East and Old Abbey West, so that run off will go into the woods. He will come back and put some material in that area to hold it until the permanent work is done.These jobs came in under the allocated $3,000.
A motion was made and seconded to use excess money from previously approved amount to patch some of the pot holes.----voted unanimously.
There is still a problem with large trucks trying to turn around at our entry way. Jaime will contact the Town of Becket Road Superintendant to see what signs can be put out to prevent trucks trying to turn around and also if the town can order these signs for us.
A motion was made and seconded to approve up to $150.00 for the signs.----voted unanimously.
Jaime will ask Ernie to remove the culverts taken out on Silver Leaf #3 before winter sets in.
The road report was accepted.
Lakes Report
Jeanne Pryor applied for a R.D.A. for hand pulling and disposal of weeds. Jeff spoke to Mark about doing a survey this fall. Ernie was contacted about removing the weeds. The estimate for this work is $5,000. We have enough in our account to fund both survey and removal of weeds.
There was discussion as to whether or not burning of weed waste would put more nutrients into the lake. We will ask Mark if it is better to burn or to truck away waste. Also ,which is more expensive.
Motion was made and seconded to spend up to $5,000 for the disposal of the phragmities.----voted unanimously.
There was further discussion about the survey. Jeff will ask Mark if it is necessary to do one both spring and fall, or if not, which season is better.
The Lakes Report was accepted.
Joe met with the Levesques after our last meeting at their property. No surveyor’s stakes could be located. The Levesque’s were comfortable with the discussion of the clearing of roads.
We received a letter from our attorney answering several questions we presented as to procedures.
Among these were questions about the Open Meeting Law, and the obligation to improve “paper roads”.
The district is authorized to improve these roads, but not obligated. However if the Prudential Committee denies a request for improvement, they must deny all such requests.
The committee has agreed that they should form a written policy dealing with the improvement of roads within the district that have never been maintained, also known as “paper roads”.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:46.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary S. White, District Clerk