JULY 24, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 9:12 AM.
Present were board members: Betsy Epstein, Jeff Kotkin, Stan Locke, Joe Gaze and David Neelon. Also present were: Mary White, Clerk; Jaime Garanzuay, Road Superintendant; Sheila Dunn, Richard Pryor, Bud Moylan, Kathy Vseteck, Carol Krass, Charles Krass and Pamela Marquez.
It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously to approve the minutes for June 26, 2010.
Kathy Vseteck , a representative of the Cons. Comm., addressed concerns as to the best way for dealing with lake weeds. Any projects dealing with recreation areas on the lakes do not require Cons. Comm. approval. She suggested that after two years of chemical treatment, pulling is the most efficient method of eliminating weeds. We do not really have to submit a NOI. For hand pulling, just be our own eyes as to what is going on re. pollution. Bud Moylan said that Center Pond is almost entirely weed free now after chemicals and hand pulling. It will take a long time, but with team effort, it will happen. Kathy said that we need a long term management plan which states who will do it, what will be done, and when it will be done. She further suggested that we get in touch
with Mercedes Gallaher as far as wording and pre- requisites for the Cons. Comm. We will also need a supervisor for each lake, and a survey as to what types of weeds are involved. The Prudential Committee thanked Kathy for coming to address us about lake maintenance.
The supervisors for the lakes are as follows:
Long Bow Lake-------------------Joe Gaze
Silver shield Lake---------------- Jeanne Pryor
Golden Fawn Lake-------------- possibly David Wood?
Richard Pryor suggested that perhaps we should look into hiring pullers, as we have many second home and land only owners who, for one reason or other, can’t pull and some older people for whom pulling could be a physical problem. There was some discussion as to possible dredging of Long Bow Lake. It was brought up that the Corps of Engineers controls any water that flows into a navigable river, and our water eventually flows into the Connecticut River. Jeff thinks that the required weed survey could be done when they are here to do the chemical treatment. Jeff received a response from the DEP. to his e-mail. He will read this to Mark Vellaud, and point out that we must be more specific.
There was much concern voiced as to the reduced lake level of Long Bow. Jeanne Pryor pointed out that the lower level is the lakes natural level. The higher levels of the past few years were caused by the clogging of the culvert between Long Bow and Little Long Bow. Now that we have the new culvert and water flows better, the lake level has decreased.
It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously to accept the Treasurer’s Report.
The warrant was reviewed and signed.
There was discussion about broad-band coverage. Jeanne Pryor is the representative for Wired West, a company that intends to see that broad-band is available to all residents of Western Mass.
Road Report:
6/13- Ernie moved the rocks, filled the resulting holes with topsoil and seeded. Six more rocks will be coming in.
Spoke with Richard and Kathy, We can do the work without an RDA.
The culvert work and Grade, rake and roll on Shuttlecock will cost $6,700. Jaime will check with Ernie about the cost of the work to be done on Silver Leaf #3 and Long Bow East.
7/20- Jaime drove around looking for storm damage, There is a small washout by the mail boxes, and further damage to the road in front of Freadman’s. We do not have the funds to fix that section of Long Bow at this time. This problem is partly caused by drainage from Rt. 20.
In answer to a complaint, Jaime once again explained that if Ernie leaves his equipment in the Greens, he does not have to charge us to move it in and out every time he does a job. It was suggested that may-be he could find a less visible location in which to leave it.
Stan asked when the flag pole would be done. If it is not done by 8/1, Jaime should get quotes from other contractors. Can we call WMECO about a light for the flag pole, or do we have to get our own contractor?
Betsy will purchase 8 cones and be reimbursed by the District.
Jeanne e-mailed Ernie for quotes. It will cost $450.00 for hot patch and 400.00 for cold patch to patch Long Bow West. The quote to tear up the blacktop on the section we have to keep patching would be $9000.00 to scarify 2/10 mile and add 6” of dense grade gravel, and grade, rake and roll. Richard thinks that Ernie should scarify etc. Long Bow West before next spring.
It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously to approve up to $11,500.00 for the three culverts and flag pole.
Our contract with Ernie for plowing needs to be renewed. The renewal price for one year will be $16,000.00.
Ernie has not raised the price for the past three years. The contract specifications will remain the same as the previous contract. It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously to approve the contract for one year at $16,000.00.
It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously to adjourn at 12:02.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary S, White, District Clerk