Parks Commission Meeting
July 18, 2012
Meeting called to order at 9:30 AM in the Becket room of the Town Hall.
Members present: Rita Furlong and Ginger Conner, member absent, Maddy Elovirta
Guests present: Lucy Ferris, Maria Wallington, Bob Harris, (623-5347) and Lucas Horn
Ms. Ferris, Ms. Wallington and Mr. Harris presented their concerns about the safety at the tennis courts in North Becket. After much discussion it was decided the Parks Commission would look into their concerns and have a fence company come and give an estimate to rectify the problem. Ms. Furlong wondered if the courts should be closed until the problem was addressed and was assured by those present that that was not necessary. As a temporary fix the posts that hold the fencing will be padded.
Mr. Lucas Horn came to the meeting to listen to item number 2, beach grounds ownership. Ms. Furlong shared the latest findings from Foresight Engineering. The status quo will remain at this time until further research can be done. Mr. Horn offered the Parks Commission members the padding necessary to pad the poles at the tennis courts . Ms. Conner will get the padding and Mr. Harris offered to install the padding at the tennis courts.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 AM to be reconvened at 1:45 PM on the same day so that all members will be present.
July 18, 2012
Meeting called to order at 1:45 PM at the Becket Town Hall. Members present: Rita Furlong, Ginger Conner and Maddy Elovirta
Old Business
The items that were discussed at the 9:30 AM portion of the meeting were reviewed. Rita Furlong discussed the plans for the tennis courts. The members voted affirmative to address this problem .
Rita then listed the changes in the plan for the beach work and why they were necessary. The work at the beach is now completed and paid for by using funds from the 2012 budget. It cost approximately $8,000 to realign the beach and address the drainage issues.
Beach grounds ownership will be revisited in the fall with the owners of Camp Greylock.
Maddy Elovirta gave an update on the Becket Center park work that has been done. The Town Administrator received a call from a tax payer stating that the condition of the baseball diamond was in poor shape. As there had been no Little League games this season played at the park, the weeds and diamond were becoming one. The Becket-Chimney Corners property manager, Steven Turner graciously offered the Parks Commission the use of a driver, a tractor and rototiller for the diamond. Once this was done, Bill and Maddy Elovirta raked the baselines and the diamond and cleaned the dugouts and surrounding areas. At this writing, Mr. Len Levine has offered to pay to have the diamond rolled to make the proper surface for playing baseball. He will wait until there is some rain
to firm up the playing surface.
The first load of wood chips have been delivered and leveled in the area that abuts the baseball field. The goal is to have a picnic area there. A few more loads will be needed to complete this project. The chips have been donated by Asplundh Tree Service.
The basketball nets at the courts have been in bad repair. New ones will be purchased and put up. A new volleyball net will also be purchased to replace the old one at the Becket Center Park. Rita Furlong will speak with Len Tisdale, Highway Supt., regarding sand for the sand box and the volleyball court as well as the removal of several dead trees at the park, one of which is a safety hazard.
New Business
The town beach dock had its ladder stolen at some point during the winter months. A citizen has attached an unsafe one. This will be addressed when Ginger Conner purchases a new one that will be compatible with the dock. (With the help of a local teen, the dock ladder has been checked and found to be secure. No ladder will be purchased at this time.)
Because of the issues at the tennis courts, the benches and the ADA picnic table at the beach has been put on hold. The original ADA picnic table was stolen during the winter months. If there is money left after fixing the problem at the tennis courts, then the benches and table will be revisited.
Rita Furlong and her husband purchased cedar wood to repair the small picnic table and railings at the play yard at the Becket Center Park. Once the repairs are done Rita will paint the picnic table bright colors and return the table to the park play yard area.
No other business came before the meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 3:20 PM.