Becket Planning Board
Approved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, March 13th, 2013
Planning Board Members Present: Robert Ronzio ( Chairperson), Gale LaBelle, Beth VanNess ( Asst. Clerk), Howard Lerner (Alternate).
Planning Board Members Absent: Marty Schlanger.
Members of the public present: John Campetti, Gary Mosca, Robb Grace, Julia Grace, Catherine Folkers, Kathy Kergaravat, Jean-Claude Kergaravat, Lincoln Bascom.
Meeting opens at: 7: 03 pm
Chairperson , Robert Ronzio, opens the meeting and announces that agendas are on the table for anyone who wants them. He advises that the meeting is being held in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40A and the By-laws of the Town of Becket. A decision to issue a special permit requires a minimum of four positive votes from a five member board. The board has 90 days to make a decision after the close of a public hearing and 14 days to file paperwork with the Town Clerk once a decision is made. Any Appeals of decisions can be made only to the court and must be made pursuant to Section 17, MGL 40A as amended, and must be filed within 20 days after the date of filing of the decision with the Town Clerk. Mr. Ronzio asks if there is anyone who is going to make a video or an audio recording of the
meeting; no recordings are announced. Lastly Mr. Ronzio informs everyone present that no person shall address this meeting without the permission of the chair and that all people, at the request of the chair shall be silent. Mr. Ronzio advises all present that it is the intention of this board to proceed with the posted agenda in the order in which they are listed, and again reminds everyone that agendas are on the table for anyone who wants one.
Mr. Ronzio advises that in the absence of regular member, Martin Schlanger; Mr. Howard Lerner ( Alternate member) will sit in for the hearing. Mr. Ronzio also confirms that Ms. VanNess is the alternate clerk.
Approval of February 13th, 2013 Meeting Minutes- Board members review and briefly discuss the February minutes as presented. Ms. Krawet notes an omission of her name at the BRPC 5th Thursday event. Ms. LaBelle makes a motion to approve the minutes as amended, Mr. Lerner seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
Mr. Ronzio advises that they will be changing the order of the agenda slightly, moving John Campetti ( Foresight Land Services ) ahead of the special permit public hearing.
Foresight Land Services- Preliminary presentation for Scott Pinkus, Map 404 Lot 31. Mr. Campetti explains that this will need to be postponed to a later date.
Foresight Land Services- Informal presentation for Robert Cohen, property on Wade Inn Road, Map 413 Lot 24. Mr. Campetti approaches planning board members and presents the preliminary plans for Robert Cohen. Mr. Campetti reviews plans with board members and further explains his client’s plans and intentions. Board members research some of the Zoning Bylaws to include common lots and flag lots. Mr. Ronzio reads section 7.2 Common Driveways aloud to planning board members present. Mr. Ronzio furthers explains to Mr. Campetti that a Subdivision Road must be created due to lack of frontage to the proposed property, and that all Subdivision Control Laws will have to be met. Mr. Campetti asks if there is a possibility that they can get a waiver in this situation; Mr. Ronzio states that a
waiver is not a possibility and that all subdivision laws must be followed.
Public Hearing- Jean-Claude and Kathy Kergaravat, applicants request a special permit for a private boarding/daycare facility for dogs and cats.
Mr. Ronzio explains to the applicants that when conducting the public hearing for the special permit requested, you must have four positive votes from a five member board. He goes on to explain that Ms. VanNess is going to recuse herself, as she has had communications with the sale of the proposed property and the sale thereof. Mr. Ronzio advises the applicants that board member, Mr. Schlanger is not present this evening, leaving a board of four people; a supermajority. Mr. Ronzio explains that Mr. Schlanger will be present for the April 10th meeting and that he can be read- in on tonight’s hearing as well. Mr. Kergaravat advises that he understands the explanation that he has been given and states that they would like to go ahead with the four member board present and open the hearing.
7:33 pm – Chairperson, Robert Ronzio opens the hearing. He asks the secretary to please confirm that all fees have been paid and that all reimbursements to the Town have been made. Secretary, Ms. Hunt confirms.
Mr. Kergaravat approaches the board and presents plans that he has had prepared. Mr. Kergaravat advises that Mr. Kevin Whalen, from the state, has been to the property to take a look and all is fine. He advises that they plan to have 6 parking spots and that the proposed building will be approximately 28 x 60 and will stand 55 feet off both lot lines. Mr. Kergaravat explains that he is planning the driveway to be 12-15 feet and be gravel or airport mix. Mr. Ronzio explains that the proposed driveway needs to be 40-50 ft. wide, to accommodate 2 vehicles, especially in the winter months. Mr. Ronzio also asks about the topography of the land and advises that he would like to see this on the plan.
Mr. Lerner asks the applicants if they plan on having there residence on the property as well, applicants confirm that will be there residence. At this time, Mr. Kergaravat introduces their builder, Mr. Gary Mosca. Mr. Mosca explains that it will be a split level home, with a small area to display and sell pet-friendly products to their clients, but not retail for the general public. He also explains that ther will be a large outdoor fenced in area. Ms. Kergaravat adds that the rooms will be 8ft x 11ft. and that pet playgroup time will also be available. Mr. Mosca advises that the fence will be a 5ft. vinyl coated fence and will be unobtrusive. Applicants advise that they want the property to have a rustic barn look. Mr. Ronzio asks board members to take a look at the photographs submitted.
Applicants also review the “Powerloo” brochure that has been included in the board member’s packets, reviewing the flushing system and how it works. Applicants also provide the perc test that they have had done for the board’s review. Mr. Ronzio states that he would like to be sure to get input from some of the other Town Boards and Commissions that have been notified of this proposal. Mr. Lerner expresses some concern over the “doggy-day-care” part of the business causing the parking lot to become very over crowded at times and advises that the applicants should consider putting in considerable more parking spots now, to be sure to accommodate all the departures and arrivals. Mr. Ronzio reminds the applicants that there is no parking on the highway at any time. Ms. Krawet
asks about the hours of operation, board members and applicants briefly discuss.
Abutters, Ms. Julia Grace and Robb Grace explain that they are in total support of the proposed project, explaining that they have a vacation rental business and that often their clients have pets that they wish to bring with them. Ms. Catherine Folkers stands up and introduces herself, explaining that she has been a client of the Kergaravats for a very long time and states that it is a great operation and that Kathy and Jean-Claude are the best-pet-sitters ever, always being completely accommodating to all of her pet needs.
Finally, board members briefly review some of the specifics that they would like to see included in the applicants proposal, as Mr. Ronzio reviews with them the four criteria that they looks for when deciding on an approval for a special permit. Ms. LaBelle makes a motion to continue the public hearing until Wednesday, April 10th, Ms. Krawet seconds the motion; Unanimous Approval. Public Hearing is continued until April 10th.
8:25 pm – Mr. Howard Lerner leaves the meeting.
Public Participation- At this time, all public present leave the meeting, except land owner Mr. Lincoln Bascom. Mr. Bascom briefly advises the board members on an issue with a piece of property that he owns down in the villiage. Mr. Bascom explains that he would really like to build a home on his property, however has had many issues that thus far have prevented him from doing so. Board members ask Mr. Bascom some pertinent questions and briefly discuss.
Old Business- Ms. Ann Krawet advises that she has had conversation with Mr. Brian Domina of Berkshire Regional Planning, Ms. LaBelle confirms that she has as well and that they may need a DLTA and that would allow Brian to possibly attend 3 or 4 of their meetings to assist them in drafting a new bylaw. Mr. Ronzio advises that he will also be getting advice from the attorney, as he has been given the authority to call him, just has not yet been able to make that call. Mr. Ronzio advises that he will report back with that information as soon as he speaks with him.
Board members briefly discuss the Wind Turbine Bylaw and what is going on in the Town of Otis, regarding such turbines. Board members agree that once the Town of Otis sends them a notification, they can discuss it and figure out from there how to proceed.
New Business-
Ms. Krawet passes around a newspaper article, “Incentives to go solar for power”. The article talks about a program called “Solarize Massachusetts” and how they help with the installation of small scale solar installations. Board members briefly discuss and agree to put it on the agenda for further discussion at a later date.
Medical Marijuana- Ms. LaBelle updates the planning board , advising that she recently attended a forum on Medical Marijuana and reminds board members that as of January 1st, it is now a law in Massachusetts and as of May 1st, the law will be implemented. Board members discuss the dispensaries and the fact that there will be quite a few located in Western Mass. Ms. Krawet advises that they should ask the Selectmen for a charge so that they can further investigate this topic; Mr. Ronzio informs members that there is not enough time to do this before the Town Meeting. The Planning Board recommends that a committee be formed to study medical marijuana and the issues that surround it, all interested parties should contact the Planning Board for more information.
Mr. Ronzio advises that he saw a gas station going up as he was driving through the Town of Westborough. He stopped at the Town Hall and was able to speak with the Chief Planner, Assistant Planner and the secretary in the Town of Westborough. He was allowed to do some research, review files, maps and ask questions relating to the start up of a gas station. Mr. Ronzio shares some of the information that he has learned to include traffic ability, etc. Ms. Krawet makes a motion to give the authority to Mr. Ronzio to call the Conboys and inform them of what is being asked of them before they re-file an application for a special permit for a gas station proposal. Ms. VanNess seconds the motion, Unanimous Approval.
Ms. VanNess makes a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:20, Ms. LaBelle seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
Schedule next meeting for Wednesday, April 10th, 2013.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Robert Ronzio
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Gale LaBelle
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Howard Lerner
Signed_______________________________ Date_________________
Beth VanNess
Signed_____________________________ Date______________________
Ann Krawet