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Planning Board Minutes 3/14/12
Becket Planning Board
Approved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, March 14th, 2012

Planning Board Members Present:  Gale LaBelle , Robert Ronzio, Beth VanNess, Ann Krawet .  
Planning Board Members Absent: Marty Schlanger, Howard Lerner

Members of the public present: Karen Karlberg, David Sampson, Michael Conboy, Mark Karlberg, Mike Parsons, Valerie Bird, Gloria Rosenthal, Harris Aaronson, Robert Gross, Colleen Cox, George Fuller, Stephen Klausmeyer, Richard Cole, Laura Kendrick, Judith Grant, Paul Petersoli, Colleen and Jean Daigle, Tim Fogerent, Daniel Williams, Stephen Vagenas, Mary Alarie, Ronald Fortune, Jeffrey Reel, Jeremiah Pollard.  

Meeting opens at:  7: 04 pm

Chairperson , Gale LaBelle,  opens the  meeting and announces that agendas are on the table for anyone who wants them. She advises that the meeting is being held in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40A and the by-laws of the Town of Becket. A decision to issue a special permit requires a minimum of four positive votes from a five member board. The board has 90 days to make a decision after the close of a public hearing and 14 days to file paperwork with the Town Clerk once a decision is made. Any Appeals of decisions can be made only to the court and must be made pursuant to Section 17, MGL 40A as amended, and must be filed within 20 days after the date of filing of the decision with the Town Clerk. At this time, Mrs. Karen Karlberg advises that she will be recording the meeting and places her voice recorder on the table.

Approval of Meeting Minutes from February 8th, , 2012-  Ms. Ann Krawet  makes a motion to approve the amended  meeting minutes from February 8th , 2012; Ms. Beth VanNess seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.

Mr. Harris Aaronson and Mr. Bob Gross; Indian Lake Estates, Seasonal Road Closures.
Mr. Aaronson approaches Planning Board  members present and advises that he was in attendance at last month’s meeting. He explains that he has just a few additional updates and documents to share with the board, referencing the temporary, seasonal road closings for Indian Lake Estates. Mr. Aaronson  passes out a letter regarding the Ambulance Department’s concern over the proposed temporary, seasonal closures of four of the roads in Indian Lake Estates. Board members review letter. Secretary Heather Hunt, advises that they have also received a letter of response from Jim Kupernik, director of the Ambulance Department, she hands the letter to Ms. Gale LaBelle to be read aloud.
Mr. Robert Ronzio brings up the fact that vehicle damage could be a possibility if  the Emergency vehicle crashes through the gate. Mr. Ronzio questions whether they would be willing to put a crash bar on the vehicle to prevent such damages from occurring. Mr. Aaronson reminds board members that each emergency Department will also receive keys as well as bolt-cutters. Mr. Ronzio also brings up a previous discussion, where a uniform lock system be put in place. Mr. Gross states that he has talked with the Fire Chief regarding this matter and that he plans on speaking with Crystal Pond Association as well. Mr. George Fuller, member of the public, states that in his opinion, the fact that they are going to provide bolt-cutters as well as keys to all emergency departments, should be enough.

Mr. Robert Ronzio makes a motion to approve a temporary, seasonal closing of  four roads in Indian Lake Estates, as outlined in original request, October through May; bolt cutters as well as similar locks will be provided by Indian Lake Estates and as coordinated through the Becket Fire Department. Ms. Beth VanNess seconds motion, Unanimous Approval.

Concern is voiced, in regards to a situation where an emergency vehicle from another town may be called and the fact that they most likely would not have the key to pass through the gate. Mr. George Fuller again, advises that Mutual Aid will be accompanied by our Departments, so that he foresees no future problems.

Attorney  Jeremiah Pollard - Public Hearing Continuation for Mr. Ronald Fortune, Andrews Road, Map 404 Lot 42.3.
Ms. LaBelle advises Mr. Pollard that there is only a four member board present this evening and explains to him what the options are as far as going forward or requesting a continuance. Mr. Pollard states that he and his client originally requested a continuance so that they would have a five member board. Mr. Pollard also goes on to explain that he hasn’t yet heard from K. Doyle and was hoping to hear back from her, prior to going forward with the hearing., however he would like to request a continuance at this point and wait for a five member board to be present. Mr. Robert Ronzio makes a motion to continue the public hearing  until April 11th, 2012 , due to the lack of a five member board, per the request of Atty. Pollard, Ms. Krawet seconds the motion; unanimous Approval.

Michael and  Jack Conboy- Informal presentation of proposed gas station plans/ Karen Karlberg- submission of petition referencing gas station proposal.
Mr. Micahael Conboy and Mr. Mike Parsons ( Kelly, Granger and Parsons) approach planning board members.  Mr. Conboy  advises that he is aware that there is some environmental as well as traffic concerns in regards to his proposed gas station plan. He advises that he has a traffic report from the state ( 2010 and 2011 traffic report) and passes them out to the planning board members. He introduces Ms. Valerie Nickerson and advises that she is present to address any conservation concerns. Mr. Conboy also states that the Conservation Commission has done a site visit and has determined that there are not any wetland. Mr. Conboy states that they  would like to cut down some of the trees in the far corner of the property. He states that they  are concerned that they may hit ledge. Mr.  Mike Parsons, presents a “conceptual plan” of the property with the gas station/ convenience store. He briefly reviews the plan with the board members present. Mr. Parsons explains that the building is to be 60 x 65, with parking around it. There will  be parking available around the building, along with 4 gas pumps on the west side of the building, and 2 pumps on the east side of the building for diesel fuel.  He outlines where the curb cuts will be and explains the flow of traffic ( one way traffic for  trucks and two way for cars) . Mr. Parsons confirms that this is a preliminary plan at this point and put in place to help the Conboys  decide whether or not this is a feasible project in the future.
Ms. Valerie Nickerson,  also present on behalf of the Conboys, approaches board members and advises that this is not a “Natural Heritage Area”. She also advises that on the DEP Wetland map, the proposed project is more than 200 feet away. Ms. Nickerson also presents the board with the Water Supply Maps and reviews them with the board, stating that they are well behind the Title V setbacks.

Ms. LaBelle solicits for public input-

Karen Karlberg- states that she is very concerned about the crash data that was presented by Mr. Conboy. She reads aloud a letter that she had received and explains to the board members that it is impossible for Mr. Conboy to already have the reports from 2010 and 2011, stating that the information is clearly not yet available.

Jeffrey Reel- Mr. Reel introduces himself and voices concern that he wants to be certain that the people will have a chance to voice their concerns. Mr. Robert Ronzio, advises that this is very informal at this point and that if a formal submission is made, there will then be an actual public hearing and at that hearing the public will have ample opportunity to voice their opinions. Mr. Reel explains that he is just very concerned about what their lighting may be. He states that he can see the lights from the Blandford  Service Station from his house and hopes that the does not happen with this proposal. Ms. LaBelle assures Mr. Reel that there is a  Light bylaw and that all rules and restrictions will be strictly followed.

Colleen  Cox – Ms. Cox states that she has lived in Becket since 2002. She explains what an extremely dangerous corner it already is and how difficult it is to get out in traffic at the intersection. She says that the Town of Becket does not need a convenience store/gas station, she states that this will completely change West Becket as well as directly impact the value of her property.

Mary Alarie- Mary confirms how dangerous the intersection is, confirming that her home is real close to it and she has witnessed many accidents.

Mike Conboy- Mr. Conboy  advises that all the information that he has gathered is legitimate. He advises that Mass DOT gave him the traffic reports and that Pat Tierney has said that the intersection in question  is not dangerous.

Tim Fogerty- Mr. Fogerty explains that his driveway is very close to the intersection, he agrees that it is vey dangerous and that he has witnessed Tractor trailer trucks having a very difficult time trying to make that turn to begin with.

Dave Sampson- Mr. Sampson explains that he has lived here for 31 years and that he frequently gets run off the road and has witnessed many accidents, he states that the traffic is already terrible!

Karen Karlberg- Ms. Karlberg states that she would like to see all of the supposed letters and reports. Ms. LaBelle reminds all public present that this is not an actual public hearing, Mr. Ronzio adds that everyone has a right to their opinion.

Colleen Cox- Ms. Cox asks what the actual permitting process entails; Mr. Ronzio explains how the process works and how the decision is made, to include all the different factors that they consider when making a decision.

George Fuller- Mr. Fuller asks Mr. Conboy how many acres of land does he have? Mr. Conboy advises that the property is 4.77 acres.
Mr. Parsons advises that approx. ½ an acre will be taken up by the gas station. Mr. Parsons also goes on to advise that prior to an application being filed , the Conboys will have already have permission from the state for the curb cuts as well as the exit and entrance.

Colleen O’Connor- States  that when it comes to the issue of  signs and lighting, we should all work together  in order to meet everyone’s needs.

Robert Ronzio- States that at one time, there were actually  nine gas stations in the Town of Becket and now there are none. He also reads aloud from the bylaws , under special permits, 9.3 and 9.3.2  to advise of some of the considerations that they look at when reviewing an application.

Mike Parsons  asks some of the neighbors and abutters present for their input, questioning what exactly they perceive the problem with the intersection is; Speeding? Poor design? Stop sign issues? All present agree that it is a combination of all of the above.

Colleen Cox- reminds all present that they need to consider the building and construction of the whole project.

Karen Karlberg- Karen passes out traffic count reports as well as accident reports for the board members to review.

Ms. LaBelle thanks everyone for their input.

Ms. Karen Karlberg presents the board members with a petition, with over fifty signatures on it from residents who are opposing the proposed gas station. Ms. Karlberg also requests to receive copies of any future documents that are related to the proposal. Mrs. Karlberg  thanks the planning board for their time.

Mr. Conboy requests that the petition from Mrs. Karlberg be read aloud, Ms. LaBelle reads the petition aloud.

Old Business- Ms. LaBelle reminds board members that there are many loose ends that need to tied up and that she would like to try and schedule an additional meeting to discuss and review some of these topics.    

Budget- Read and reviewed.

Correspondence- Read and reviewed.

Schedule next meeting for April 11th, 2012

Ms. Beth VanNess makes a motion to adjourn the meeting;  Ms. Krawet second motion, Unanimous Approval. Meeting is adjourned at 8:50 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant

Signed______________________________    Date_______________
          Gale LaBelle

Signed______________________________    Date_______________
          Robert Ronzio

Signed______________________________    Date_______________
         Beth VanNess

Signed_______________________________   Date_______________
          Ann Krawet