Becket Planning Board
Approved Meeting Minutes
Planning Board Members Present: Gale LaBelle, Robert Ronzio, Howard Lerner, Ann Krawet
Planning Board Members Absent:Martin Schlanger, Beth VanNess
Members of the public present: Raymond Ellsworth, John and Sue Deacon, Katherine Hoak, Ernie Barber, Gerhardt Hansen, Al Lussier.
Meeting opens at: 7:07 pm
Approval of meeting minutes of May 25th, 2011. Meeting minutes are tabled until the end of the meeting.
7:10 pm – Public Hearing for Raymond and Sherri Ellsworth, 818 Surriner Road, Map 412 Lots 22 and 24.1.
Chairperson, Gale LaBelle opens meeting and announces that agendas are on the table for anyone who wants one. She advises that the meeting is being held in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40A and the by-laws of the Town of Becket. A decision to issue a special permit requires a minimum of four positive votes from a five member board. The board has 90 days to make a decision after the close of a public hearing and 14 days to file paperwork with the Town Clerk once a decision is made. Any appeals of a decision can be made only to the court and must be made pursuant to Section 17, MGL 40A as amended, and must be filed within 20 days after the date of filing the decision with the Town Clerk.
Ms. LaBelle confirms with the secretary that all fees and reimbursements have been made to the Town of Becket and then advises the applicant to approach the board. Ms. LaBelle reads aloud the application received aloud for the members of the public to hear. Applicant, Mr. Raymond Ellsworth, approaches the board and explains that he is requesting permission to erect two signs reading “Mountain Pasture Farm”. Mr. Ellsworth advises that he would like to place one of the signs at the corner of Bancroft Road and Surriner Road and the other sign at the end of his driveway at 818 Surriner Road. Ms. LaBelle advises Mr. Ellsworth that the signs may not exceed 16 sq. feet. Mr. Ronzio asks Mr. Ellsworth if a 4x4 post will be erected. Mr. Ellsworth confirms. Ms. Krawet asks if the applicant intends on
having any lights on the sign; Mr. Ellsworth replies, no lights. Mr. Ellsworth states that the sign will be 29 ft. from the middle of the road and that he will be using 18 ft. of the setback. Ms. LaBelle asks if the sign will be able to be seen from over the mailboxes and Mr. Ellsworth confirms that they will be visible.
At this time, Ms. LaBelle asks if any member of the public would like the opportunity to speak. Mr. John Deacon asks the applicant if the sign will be located near his driveway, Mr. Ellsworth confirms. Ms. Sue Deacon states that she does not have a problem or object to anything that the applicant is requesting, however states that she is concerned that due to the fact that these will be wooden signs, there will be deterioration over the years and at that point would be concerned that they would become unsightly. Mr. Ellworth explains that he is aware of that and promises to keep the signs up and not allow them to look badly. Abutter, Katherine Hoak, advises that she also has no objection and feels that the signs are very pleasant. Ms. LaBelle ask for any additional public participation, Hearing none, she
closes this portion of the public hearing at 7:20
Ms. LaBelle Polls Board for a vote:
Gale LaBelle- I vote to approve this application because it is according to our by-laws of the Town of Becket 5.1.3 and 5.1.2 section 5. These signs are necessary to assist our resident in his agricultural endeavors.
Robert Ronzio- I vote to approve this application because it conforms to the existing sign by-laws and regulations and there were no objections from the public. Additionally it is good to promote agricultural business within the town.
Howard Lerner-I vote to approve this application because it conforms to existing by-laws, abutters present have no objections.
Ann Krawet-I vote to approve this application because the signs total area conforms with code 5.1.3 and, also it will be located in a spot that does not interfere with sight and safety distance needed. In accordance with MGL it will be supportive of business in Becket. The intrusion into the setback should not be considered a precedent.
Martin Schlanger- Absent
Beth VanNess- Absent
Board members unanimously approve of signs to be erected and advise the applicant that he can go ahead and put them up now as to not miss out on the entire season.
Public Participation- Mr. Al Lussier; Becket General Store approaches board and explains that he was recently notified by the building inspector that the tenant that he currently has occupying the upstairs of the General Store is not allowed and that he was advised to come and speak to the planning board. Mr. Lussier advises that Mr. Bob Gerner had tenants above the store as well and that the fact that he cannot have gas pumps, as he had originally planned when taking over the business, he had had a loss in revenue and was just trying to make up for it a little bit. Mr. Lussier adds that he does have a fire system in place and that he has been told that he needs to have two egresses. Mr. Lussier asks the planning board members present, if he was to apply for a special permit now, would his tenant be
allowed to stay? Mr. Ronzio and Ms. LaBelle advise Mr. Lussier that they can not authorize the tenant being able to stay and that that would be putting the Town of Becket on the line in case something were to happen. Board members suggest that Mr. Lussier follow all proper procedure to include filing an application with the planning board to request a special permit , under section 3.1.3 of the by-laws, which may allow him to have a dwelling over a commercial building. Mr. Ronzio also advises Mr. Lussier to speak with the building inspector to ensure that he brings everything up to code. Mr. Lussier agrees and informs the board that he will be submitting his completed application tonight.
Planning Board Reorganization-
Chairperson- Ann Krawet nominates Gale LaBelle for the chairperson position, Gale accepts nomination, Howard Lerner seconds nomination; Unanimous Approval.
Vice chairperson- Howard Lerner nominates Robert Ronzio for the Vice Chairperson position, Robert accepts the nomination, Ann Krawet seconds nomination, Unanimous Approval.
Clerk- Ann Krawet nominates Mr. Martin Schlanger for the clerk position, Mr. Schlanger is not present to accept or decline nomination, Howard Lerner seconds nomination, Unanimous Approval. Mr. Robert Ronzio makes a motion that in the even that Mr. Schlanger declines the nomination, he then nominates Ms. Ann Krawet for the clerk position, Howard Lerner seconds nomination, Unanimous Approval.
Gale LaBelle will remain the representative for the Town of Becket to the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission.
Old Business-
Ms. LaBelle reads aloud the information regarding Large Wind Turbines that was received from Senator Downings office. Board members present discuss Cape Light and some of the issues that have recently surfaced. Ms. Krawet asks if t is possible that we go into a partnership with another town, Ms. LaBelle and Mr. Ronzio advise that a partnership may work. Board members discuss the feasibility study to include the ½ mile setback, the notification of abutters and the different studies and requirements set forth by the bylaws. Board members agree to leave the by-law as it stands without any additional modifications. Gale LaBelle confirms that the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission agrees that the planning board needs to stand behind their decision.
Approval of meeting minutes from May 25th, 2011- Mr. Lerner makes a motion to amend the meeting minutes to eliminate the last paragraph, Mr. Ronzio seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
Informational packets for upcoming public hearings are passed out to board members. After a brif review, Mr. Ronzio asks who the “fence-viewer” is for the Town of Becket. Board members are unsure, Mr. Ronzio asks members to please inquire and to find out who hols this position.
Mr. Lerner makes a motion to adjourn the meeting, Ann Krawet seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
Meeting is adjourned at 8:52 pm.
Schedule Next meeting for July 13th, 2011
Respectfully Submitted,
Heather Hunt, Administrative Assistant
Signed_________________________________ Date______________
Gale LaBelle
Signed_________________________________ Date______________
Robert Ronzio
Signed________________________________ Date______________
Ann Krawet
Signed_________________________________ Date______________
Howard Lerner