Becket Planning Board
Approved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday , October 13th, 2010
Planning Board Members Present: Gale LaBelle, Robert Ronzio, Martin Schlanger, Ann Krawet , Beth VanNess.
Planning Board Members Absent: None
Members of the public present: William Elovirta, Henry Marchell, Harvey Lerner, Jim Bannister.
Meeting opens at: 7:02 pm
Ms. LaBelle opens meeting and announces that agendas are on the table for anyone who wants them. She advises that the meeting is being held in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40A and the by-laws of the Town of Becket. A decision to issue a special permit requires a minimum of four positive votes from a five member board. The board has 90 days to make a decision after the close of a public hearing and 14 days to file paperwork with the Town Clerk once a decision is made. Any Appeals of decisions can be made only to the court and must be made pursuant to Section 17, MGL 40A as amended, and must be filed within 20 days after the date of filing of the decision with the Town Clerk. Ms. LaBelle concludes with an introduction of the board members present.
Review and acceptance of Meeting Minutes from Wednesday, September 15th , 2010 - Martin Schlanger makes a motion to accept meeting minutes as presented, Ann Krawet seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
Public Hearing- Henry Marchell, 640 Main Street, Map 212 Lot 27-Applicant requests a special permit.
Hearing opens at 7:07 pm
Ms. Gale LaBelle establishes a quorum. Ms. LaBelle advises that Ms. VanNess is an abutter of the applicant. Ms. LaBelle asks Ms. VanNess is there is a conflict of interest whereas she would need to recuse herself. Ms. VanNess advises that there is no conflict, no problems and no need to recuse herself. Ms. LaBelle asks the secretary if the payments from the applicant have been received. The secretary explains that she spoke with the applicant about a week ago and he informed her at that time that he had mailed the payments. The secretary explains that she has not received the payments, explaining that there is mail backing up in a few of the town departments. Secretary explains that she did speak with the Town Administrator, explaining the unique situation that we have here. It was agreed upon that there is a very good
chance that the payments have been received and are in the building, just in the hands of a different department and would certainly surface soon. Ms. LaBelle takes the information under advisement and continues the hearing.
Mr. Henry Marchell approaches the board and introduces himself. Mr. Marchell explains that he has owned the property for approximately four years. Mr. Marchell goes on to explain that he would like to get the most use out of his property as possible. He explains that this would include having a single family residence, along with a home improvement business, the left side of building will be a 160 sq. office space and also a 600 sq. ft apartment. Mr. Marchell explains that he has the septic plan approved and is waiting for it to be installed. Mr. Marchell also explains that he would like to have a sign outside to advertise the business, and confirms that there will be no outside storage of vehicles.
Mr. Ronzio advises the applicant that the property is no longer zoned commercial because two years has lapsed. Mr. Schlanger states that he would like to see a more detailed proposal for the building, explaining that the current drawing is quite vague and lacks the detail needed in order to make a good decision. Mr. Marchell agrees, stating that he was planning on hiring an architect, however was hoping to have the planning board be able to commit to the issuance of a special permit, prior to spending more money on an architect. Mr. Marchell presents his septic plan to the board.
Mr. Schlanger asks the applicant how big is the holding tank? Mr. Marchell advises that it is fifteen hundred gallons. Mr. Ronzio asks the applicant if he knows what the original plans were supposed to accommodate. Mr. Marchell informs him that the plans were intended to support a three bedroom house. Ms. Krawet asks where the parking would be and also where the entrance to the store would be. Mr. Marchell explains that there will be two parking spots for the residence and five spots for the business. Mr. Ronzio confirms that this is really one business , offering three different services; Home Improvements, Septic Sales, Real Estate Sales. Ms. LaBelle explains that the board needs a more detailed plan before they can make an informed decision. Ms. LaBelle asks Mr. William Elovirta if
he would like to say anything. Mr. Elovirta states that he was just concerned about the outside tank storage. At this time, Ms. LaBelle reads aloud a letter that was received in regards to this application from the Conservation Commission. Mr. Marchell is advised to speak with Kathy on the Conservation Commission Ms. LaBelle reminds Mr. Marchell that as part of his more detailed plan, he should be sure to include a more detailed parking plan. Mr. Marchell takes his proposed plans from 2007 however, agrees to return them at the next scheduled meeting, as they will become part of the public record. Ms. LaBelle advises that they will continue the hearing for Mr. Marchell at the next regular planning board meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, November 10th, 2010.
Public Participation- None
Old Business- Mr. Harvey Lerner and Bruce Bosworth-informal discussion from August and September Meetings Continued.
Mr. Lerner advises that Mr. Bosworth is not present this evening, however he just wanted to advise that they were very serious about coming up with a plan to keep their neighborhood safe. He explains that they have discussed such options as a heavy duty chain link fence with reflectors and a padlock with keys that would be supplied to all emergency departments. Ms. Krawet suggests that if they decide to proceed with the fence that posting warning signs should be included in their plan. Mr. Lerner asks how the board would feel about the proposed chain link fence, Ms. LaBelle explains that at this time the board is not prepared to offer an opinion of any kind.
New Business-
Mr. Robert Ronzio confirms with the board members present that they have received the information he had sent on the bees. Board members confirm.
Budget- Read and reviewed
Correspondence- Read and reviewed
Ms. LaBelle informs board members of a meeting that is being held at the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission in Pittsfield on Friday, stating that she is unsure of the topic to be presented at this time, however, all who would like to attend are welcome.
7:51 Mr. Schlanger makes a motion to adjourn meeting, Mr. Ronzio seconds; Unanimous Approval.
Schedule next meeting for Wednesday, November 10th, 2010
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed_____________________________ Date________________
Gale LaBelle
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Robert Ronzio
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Martin Schlanger
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Ann Krawet
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Beth VanNess