Becket Planning Board
Unapproved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday , September 15th, 2010
Planning Board Members Present:Gale LaBelle, Robert Ronzio, Martin Schlanger, Ann Krawet
Beth VanNess.
Planning Board Members Absent: None
Members of the public present: Charles Chiecko, Gary Bellinger, Vallerie Bellinger, Harvey Lerner, Bruce Bosworth, Jeff LePrevost, Jeffrey LePrevost, Jim Bannister, Howard Lerner, Ann Spadafora .
Meeting opens at: 6:59 pm
Ms. LaBelle calls on the board to observe a moment of silence, acknowledging the loss of their friend and planning board member, Stanley Oransky.
Ms. LaBelle opens meeting and announces that agendas are on the table for anyone who wants them. She advises that the meeting is being held in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40A and the by-laws of the Town of Becket. A decision to issue a special permit requires a minimum of four positive votes from a five member board. The board has 90 days to make a decision after the close of a public hearing and 14 days to file paperwork with the Town Clerk once a decision is made. Any Appeals of decisions can be made only to the court and must be made pursuant to Section 17, MGL 40A as amended, and must be filed within 20 days after the date of filing of the decision with the Town Clerk. Ms. LaBelle concludes with an introduction of the board members present.
Review and acceptance of Meeting Minutes from Wednesday, August 11th ,2010 - Martin Schlanger makes a motion to accept meeting minutes as presented, Bob Ronzio seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
Public Hearing- Sandra and Jeffrey LePrevost, 3493 Jacob’s Ladder Road, Map 202 Lot 43-Applicant requests a special permit.
Mr. Jeff LePrevost, introduces himself and approaches the board members. Mr. LePrevost explains that he is here on behalf of his father as well as the acting contractor. He goes on to explain that he submitted plans to the building inspector, received permits required and assumed that all was fine until he heard from the building inspector that that was a formal complaint. Mr. Girard, Building Inspector, informed Mr. LePrevost of the complaint, stating that he had received a phone call , however, did not identify who the caller was. Mr. LePrevost states that the stairs wouldn’t fit for code so he went deeper into the property instead. Mr. Ronzio asks the applicant if he demolished the building? Mr. LePrevost confirms that he did, explaining that plans were submitted supporting the project, that he refers
to as simple.
At this time, Mr. Ronzio confirms with the secretary that all proper advertising had been done and that the abutters had been notified. Secretary confirms.
Mr. LePrevost explains that he could not fit the stairs were they were originally proposed, so he changed the direction of them. Mr. Ronzio asks the applicant how many stairs there are; Mr. LePrevost advises that there are 13 stairs. Board discusses how the original home was 75 years ago, asking Mr. LePrevost some miscellaneous questions.
Ms. LaBelle asks if there is any public input, hearing none, she closes this portion of the hearing. Ms. LaBelle asks that opinion slips are passed out to each of the board members, and polls the board for a vote:
Application for Special Permit by Sandra LePrevost to vary the terms of Zoning By-Law 3.4.4 in the following respect: To allow a set of outside stairs from the 2nd floor storage area, which had to change the direction of the landing. Original print shows stairs toward the front, however a safety issue changed it to a side landing area. The property is located at 3493 Jacob’s Ladder Road, Assessors’ Map 202 Lot 43.
Martin Schlanger-I vote to approve this application . The building is within the original footprint. The stairs in question do not go beyond what was set back on the original plan. Building plans were approved by building inspector before construction started.
Robert Ronzio- I vote to approve this application because the stairs rise to run as shown on the original plan was unsafe given the existing building to which prevented safe egress. The allowed direction solves this issue and does not affect the setbacks from the road.
Ann Krawet- I vote to approve this application because the stairs remain within originally approved set-back and footprint is also the same. No abutters on record object, stairway is an improvement in safety considerations and to code. Original permit (9-11-12) design has not yet been changed.
Beth VanNess- I vote to approve this application because the biggest reason for the change in the stairway was for a safety reason, I approve the change to the staircase.
Gale LaBelle- I vote to approve this application under section 3.4.3 because it is an improvement of the original landing and safety issue to improve the staircase.
7 :20 pm-Continuation- Formal Request from Charles Chiecko for extension of Special Permit for applicants –Valerie and Gary Bellinger, 286 Sir George Drive, Becket.
Ms. LaBelle apologizes to Charles Chiecko for the delay , explaining to him that the last meeting date fell on a Jewish holiday, also that one of the planning board members had passed away since the last meeting.
Planning Board members briefly review Mr. Ciecko’s request. Mr. Ciecko sights financial hardship on behalf of his clients is was lead to the delay and eventually the postponement of the work described in the original special permit application that had been granted to his clients two years ago.
Ms. LaBelle polls the board for a vote:
Martin Schlanger- Approve
Robert Ronzio-Approve
Ann Krawet-Approve
Beth VanNess- Approve
Gale LaBelle- Approve
At this time, Ms. LaBelle calls a ten minute recess to allow the board members that had requested that they are allowed to attend current Selectman’s meeting already in progress. Board members interested in the topic of the proposed Sherwood Forest Lake District, exit the room.
During the ten minute recess, Ms. LaBelle invites Mr. Harvey Lerner and Mr. Bruce Bosworth to continue their informal conversation in regards to the Crystal Pond Association and the ongoing traffic problems that continue to occur.
Continued from last month, Mr. Bosworth continues to explain the ongoing problem that is occurring in their Community. Mr. Bosworth advises the board members that the houses in Crystal Pond have doubled, going from 10 houses to almost 20. He assures the board that a letter (June 9th ) had gone out to Mr. Tony Blair as well as all Emergency Personnel advising them this the situation.
Ms. LaBelle advises the two gentlemen that this is seemingly a complex situation and offers to take the original Form A Approval, along with all attachments to Berkshire Regional Planning Commission for their review.
Mr. Schlanger asks what the width of the road is. Mr. Bosworth advises him that it is 50 feet. Mr. Schlanger also asks if it has been a through road since 1986? Mr Bosworth explains that they do close the road each year. Mr. Schlanger suggests that evidence for such should be provided, thus establishing a private road.
Mr. Ronzio advises Mr. Bosworth and Mr. Lerner to put together a plan, submit it to the board, the board would then review it, calling in a consultant if necessary. Mr. Schlanger and Ms. Krawet agree with Mr. Ronzio, advising that would certainly be their best bet.
Ms. Krawet confirms that in her two years on the planning board, she has on many occasions visited the zoning bylaws, making sure to stay updated.
Mr. Schlanger adds that being represented by legal counsel should also be taken into consideration.
Informational Packets handed out for upcoming Public Hearing- Henry Marchell, 640 Main Street, Map 212 Lot 27. Board members read and review, requesting that the secretary contacts the applicant immediately , notifying him of the incomplete status of his application., and informing him of what the board would like to see prior to the opening of his public hearing. The requested information includes a building plot plan, a parking plan, details on the proposed apartment, and hours of operation for proposed business. Secretary advises she will contact applicant for requested items.
Budget- Read and reviewed
Correspondence- Read and reviewed
Public Participation- Mr. Howard Lerner and Ms. Ann Spadafora arrive. Mr. Howard Lerner asks if planning board is in need of another member. At this time, Beth VanNess advises the board that she would like to become a permanent member of the planning board at least until election time. Ms. LaBelle agrees that another member is needed and suggests to Mr. Lerner that he should take it under consideration. Ms. LaBelle asks for a recommendation on the board to move Ms. VanNess into the regular member slot. Mr. Schlanger makes a motion to recommend Beth VanNess to the regular member seat on the planning board, Mr. Ronzio seconds the motion.
Discussion: Ms. Krawet explains that she would prefer not to have someone who is a realtor also be a member of the planning board. Ms. Krawet goes on to advise that a realtor will often be in conflict. Mr. Ronzio explains that he does agree with Ms. Krawet, however he feels that having Ms. VanNess on the board is definitely beneficial. Ms. VanNess advises that as a realtor she is educated, woks under a strict code of ethics and can read plans, septic designs, etc.
Ms. Ann Spadafora advises that many Towns in Berkshire County have brokers as well as realtors on various boards. Mr. Schlanger adds that if a conflict of interest arises , then at that time, Ms. VanNess can recues herself.
Ms. LaBelle calls for a vote on the motion to recommend to the selectman that Beth VanNess fill the regular member slot on the planning board, left vacant by Mr. Stanley Oransky, until 2011.
Gale LaBelle- Yes
Robert Ronzio- Yes
Martin Schlanger- Yes
Ann Krawet- Yes with reservation.
Mr. Ronzio asks that board members consider giving a monetary donation, on behalf of Stanley Oransky to the David Oransky Scholarship Foundation; Martin Schlanger agrees to collect said monies. Board members all agee.
9:30 Mr. Schlanger makes a motion to adjourn meeting, Mr. Ronzio seconds; Unanimous Approval.
Schedule next meeting for Wednesday, October 13th, 2010
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed_____________________________ Date________________
Gale LaBelle
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Robert Ronzio
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Martin Schlanger
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Ann Krawet
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Beth VanNess