Becket Planning Board
unnaproved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday , April 13th, 2010
Planning Board Members Present: Gale LaBelle, Martin Schlanger, Barbara Stuhlman, Ann Krawet, Bob Podolski.
Planning Board Members Absent: Stanley Oransky
Members of the public present: Robert Gorden, Glen Rucchisi, Thoedore Underhill, Pat Parkins, David Graves, Mary Graves, Heather Graves, Merideth Babcock, Susan Purser, Donald Munger, Jan Elovirta, Joshua Lombard,Joy Lennartz, Nandor Sala, Attila Sala.
Meeting called to order: 7:07 pm
Approval of Meeting Minutes – March 24th, 2010- Martin Schlanger makes a motion to approve meeting minutes; Ann Krawet seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
7:11 pm- Continuation of Mariner Tower II LLC, request for a Special Permit; Proposed Location of cell tower is 0 Wade Inn Road, Assessor Map 413 Lot 114.
Chairperson, Gale LaBelle re-opens public hearing, advising all present that there are agendas on the table for anyone who would like one. She goes on to advise that this meeting is being held in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40A and the bylaws of the Town of Becket. A decision to issue a special permit requires a minimum of four positive votes from a five member board. Gale explains that the board has 90 days to make a decision after the close of the public hearing and 14 days to file paperwork with the Town Clerk once a decision has been made. Any appeals of decisions can be made only to the court and must be made pursuant to Section 17, MGL 40A as amended, and must be filed within 20 days after the date of filing of the decision with the Town Clerk. Gale goes on to introduce the board members
Ms. LaBelle, asks Chris Ciofi; Mariner Tower, to please state his request for the public present. Mr. Ciofi advises of request to obtain a special permit for a new wireless communications facility including a compound area, gravel access drive, overhead utililites, a 150 ft. tall monopole style tower , a 20’ x 12’ equipment shelter, and antennas for AT & T. Mr. Ciofi advises that a representative from AT &T is present. Mr. Ciofi goes on to advise that the site will be monitored remotely as well as a tech. coming out once a month to check on everything. Mr. Ciofi states that the proposed 150 ft. is certainly not the ideal height, but in order to reduce visual impact, they settled on 150 ft. which would allow for three additional co-locators. Mr. Ciofi concludes by assuring the public
present that Mr. Mark Hutchins; RF Engineer is in agreement with the applicant.
Ms. LaBelle announces that the board will be hearing brief comments and taking questions from the public.
Pat Parkins-Explains that she is concerned of exposure prediction area, and asks exactly where it is . Mr. Ciofi looks up here location and assures her that she is over one mile away from the site. Mr. Ciofi presents the chart showing the exposure prediction area, stating it only goes out the 3,000 feet. Mr. Ciofi explains that they are in compliance with the Federal Law. Ms. LaBelle confirms Mr. Ciofi’s information to be true, advising that consultant, Mark Hutchins has stated that the impact will be minimal with the height of the proposed tower.
Ms. Parkins asks who is paying Mr. Hutchins, Ms. LaBelle answers that she actually chose Mr. Hutchins and hired him as well, and that Mariner Tower has paid him.
Susan Purser- Asks if the consultant is present this evening? Ms. LaBelle informs that he is not, however, he has submitted all requested paperwork.
David Graves- Asks if Fish and Game are aware of the fact that he keeps bees. Ms. LaBelle states that she has submitted information to Wildlife/Fish and Game. Mr. Graves strongly states that he would like them notified.
Pat Parkins- Ms. Parkins states that she has thought of starting hives this year and explains that if we do not take care of our bees, we soon will run out of food supply.
Nandor Sala- Mr. Sala states that he has Verizon wireless and that he actually has driven the local roads that have been deemed “dead zones”. Mr. Sala states that the coverage should be the same for Verizon and AT&T. Ms. LaBelle informs Mr. Sala that two of the planning board members drove the roads as well and that the coverage does differ. Mr. Ciofi confirms stating that AT&T operates on different frequencies, and they will have different coverage patterns.
Mr. Ciofi states that Mr. Hutchins has found that 25% of Becket has a gap in coverage and that gap is considered significant. Mr. Ciofi presents coverage map to Mr. Sala and explains.
Donald Munger- states that he is approx. 11,000 feet from tower, Mr. Munger introduces a sim- iliar case in the Town of Newton vs. Omni Communications. Mr. Munger states that gap coverage has not been proven.
Mr. Ciofi states that adequacy of other providers is irrelevant, and that towns cannot discriminate on that basis.
Attila Sala- Voices his opinion that he disagrees with the fact that the proposed site is not a sacred site to the Native American Indians. Mr. Sala states that he would like time to contact tribes.
Mr. Ciofi assures Mr. Sala that we have a review from EBI Consultants , stating that the facility has been reviewed by the Native American Tribes, they have all been notified and are in compliance.
Robert Gorden- states he has many questions pertaining to coverage, and the fact that many other providers could come in…where would this all end? Mr. Ciofi assures Mr. Gorden that these laws apply only to FCC licensed providers, the airways are restricted and new towers would not just be allowed everywhere.
Susan Purser- states that 4 new towers are to be built in Chester this year.
Jan Elovirta- Expresses his concerns for the Graves’ Business, stating that he is afraid they may go out of business.
Donald Munger- Expresses his concerns that his property values as well as others may significantly drop. He states that he has hired a consultant from California to review the report.
Atilla Sala- Tower interferes with prayer.
Meredith Babcock- Asks if there are three other towers? Ms. LaBelle confirms. Wants to know if anyone has ever asked the abutters if there has been adverse environmental or health issues in a specific radius surrounding the tower location. Ms. Babcock also wants to know if the frequency-overlapping areas have been looked at. Ms. Babcock states that she is not opposed one way or another just would like some answers to her questions.
Pat Parkins- If the tower is only going to be 150’ tall, will that mean that before long it will become obsolete?
Marty Schlanger- asks about the emergency co-locators? Mr. Ciofi confirms that they will be allowed on the top of the tower.
David Graves- states that his only bee-hive still alive is in Worthington Ma. Where there are no cell towers at all.
Mary Graves- Asks why we need yet another tower? Mr. Ciofi shows the coverage maps to Ms. Graves explaining to her the desired signal strength and that without this site, there would be even less coverage. Ms. Graves states that “Microwaves Cook”
Robert Gorden- requests that questions on visual impact be taken
Nandor Sala- concerned about the four proposed co-locators.
Meredith Babcock- understands that the Town is looking into wind mills.
Ms. Gale LaBelle reads aloud new correspondence to include: Mark Hutchins letter in response to Graves letter, letter from Assessors’ advising of no adverse impact on prices of homes in affected area (letters on file in planning board office)
Mr. Graves- states that livelihood and environmental issues are different. As more towers go up , we are wiping out their road map, explains that we are killing the bees.
Atilla Sala- wants to know what range of frequencies are we looking at? Asks if there will be any lights on tower ? Gale responds there will be no lights on the tower.
Ann Krawet- asks if significant gap is proven and no feasible alternatives exist….. Ms. Krawet explains that she has a newspaper article from April 7th, citing some possible alternatives. Mr. Ciofi that the article pertains to a supplemental coverage solution, and that there are more new wireless providers than land line providers. Mr. Ciofi explains that the Town of Becket would have to have cable in order to transmit this supplemental coverage.
David Graves- suggests putting up repeaters.
Ms. LaBelle reads aloud four new letters in opposition to proposed cell tower, that were received after the April 13th meeting ( all letters on file in planning board office)
Ms. LaBelle reads aloud a petition (submitted by Donald Munger) that has signatures of ten residents that are in opposition of proposed tower.
Ms. LaBelle addresses concerns on petition.
Ms. Susan Purser reviews Sage and Associates; Environmental Consultants Report with all present (report on file in planning board office) Mr. Ciofi addresses concerns proposed in Sage report.
Ms. Purser thanks the board for reviewing the report; thanks consultant in advance for reviewing report.
Ms. LaBelle reads aloud correspondence from Fish and Wildlife.
Robert Gorden- states that he will hold questions on visual impact for next meeting.
8:50 pm -A motion is made to continue public hearing until April 20th, 7pm. Motion is seconded; Unanimous Approval.
New Business- None
Budget- Read and Reviewed
Correspondence- Read and Reviewed
Schedule next meeting for Tuesday, April 20th
Marty makes a motion to adjourn meeting, Barbara Stuhlman seconds motion; unanimous Approval. Meeting is adjourned at 8:55 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed_____________________________ Date________________
Gale LaBelle
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Martin Schlanger
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Robert Podolski
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Ann Krawet
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Barbara Stuhlman