Becket Planning Board
Approved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday , December 30th, 2009
Planning Board Members Present: Gale LaBelle, Martin Schlanger, Barbara Stuhlman, Ann Krawet, Bob Podolski.
Planning Board Members Absent: Stanley Oransky
Members of the public present: Bill Elovirta, Donald Munger, Robert Gorden, David Graves, Mary Graves, Jan Elovirta, William Cavanaugh, John Hall, Pranam Lipinski, Alice Briggs, Glen Lucchese, Nandor Sala, Mike Parsons.
Meeting called to order: 7:00 pm
Approval of Meeting Minutes – Nov. 18th, 2009- Martin Schlanger makes a motion to approve meeting minutes; Ann Krawet seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
Approval of Meeting Minutes- Nov. 23rd, 2009 – Martin Schlanger makes a motion to approve meeting minutes; Barbara Stuhlman seconds motion: Unanimous Approval.
Form A- Kelly , Granger and Parsons: Toomey property on County Road:
Mike Parsons, on behalf of his client; Pranam Lipinski , presents board members with plans for the division of property. Mr. Parsons explains that the property is a 75 acre parcel that will be divided into 6 separate lots. Mr. Parsons advises that of the 6 parcels, the smallest lot is a 2 acre parcel, the others are 2 ½ , 7 ½, 10, and (2) 30 acre parcels. Mr. Parson confirms that all six parcels have the required frontage, acreage, and all have been perk tested.
Chairperson, Ms. LaBelle questions whether or not these six parcels would be considered as a Form A or if this would fall under the subdivision control bylaw. Mr. Parsons advises that under State regulation, 6 lots is not considered a subdivision. Ms. LaBelle explains to Mr. Parsons that she will need to research the subdivision control bylaws, as well as consult Town Counsel . Ms. LaBelle agrees to further contact Mr. Parsons with her findings as quickly as possible.
Public Hearing- Mariner Tower II, LLC- request for a Special Permit-Map 413 Lot 114.
Ms. LaBelle opens the hearing at 7:22 and advises that this meeting is being held in accordance with Massachusetts general Law Chapter 40A and the By-Laws of the Town of Becket. A decision to issue a special permit requires a minimum of four positive votes from a five member board. Ms. LaBelle goes on to explain that the board has 90 days to make a decision after the close of a public hearing and 14 days to file paperwork with the Town Clerk once the decision is made. Any appeals of decisions can be made only to the court and must be made pursuant to Section 17 MGL 40A as amended, and must be filed within 20 days after the date of filing of the decision with the Town Clerk. Ms. LaBelle goes on to introduce the members of the board .
Ms. LaBelle confirms with the secretary that all fees and reimbursements have been made to the Town of Becket.
Mr. Chris Ciolfi, representing Mariner Tower, approaches board members and begins presenting.
Mr. Ciolfi explains that they are here to build a telecommunications tower. He advises that Mariner Tower has researched the towers in the Town of Becket as well as in adjacent towns and their findings show the need for a tower in the proposed location. Mr. Ciolfi goes on to explain that Mariner Tower searched for a suitable location for over a year when they entered into an agreement with the Gibb family.
Mr. Ciolfi advises that he has read Consultant, Mark Hutchins review of their proposal and reports that Mark agrees that there is a gap in service and that improved coverage is needed. Mr. Ciolfi assures all present that Mark Hutchins review confers with AT &T’s proposal.
Mr. Ciolfi presents his plans of all structures, roads and measurements to the board members. Mr. Ciolfi informs that future users will also be allowed to use the tower. He explains that the monopole is 150 ft. Mr. Ciolfi explains that if they requested that the tower be 180 ft. or 190 ft. then the coverage would certainly be better, however, 150 ft. will be less obtrusive. Mr. Ciolfi explains that a balloon float will need to be scheduled and photographs taken. Mr. Ciolfi suggests that a few different dates re given in case of inclement weather.
Ms.Ann Krawet asks for the structure detail to be reviewed. Mr. Ciolfi details that the fence is 8 ft. high, with one foot of barbed wire. The gate is 12 ft. wide. The storm water will be controlled on site, with no drainage on Wade Inn or Cross Road. The property is 39.4 acres and it is being leased to them by the property owner. Mr. Ciolfi goes on to display maps showing what the current coverage is, opposed to what the future will be.
Mr. Ciolfi introduces Mr. Arban Sebastian , engineer representing AT&T , who also presents coverage plans, explaining where the best and the worst coverage lies. Mr. Sebastian advises of the need for the proposed tower. Mr. Arban explains that there will be a 12 x 20 equipment shelter to house the computer equipment and a generator that will run once a week for approx. 15 minutes.
Ann Krawet questions what kind of lighting would there be and if it would be possible to incorporate solar lighting. Mr. Ciolfi explains that due to reliability of needing Commercial power, probably not. Mr. Ciolfi also explains that would also cause even more trees to be cut down.
Ms. Ann Krawet asks about the radiation levels. Mr. Ciolfi assures her that they are only a fraction of the allowed standard that the FCC governs. Mr. Ciolfi says that they could actually turn their equipment up 100 times and still be in compliance. He adds that maximum power would be from 6-9 channels, only emitting a small fraction of what is safe for humans.
Ms. LaBelle solicits for public input.
John Hall- Fire Chief- asks if communications could put repeaters on these towers at no charge. Mr. Ciolfi advises Mr. Hall that would be happy to give them free space (on top) on the tower. He agrees that it is good for the community and also informs John that he will get him a contact person in Chester.
Bill Elovirta-Police Chief- states that there are 28 towns dispatched out of the Berkshire County Sherriff’s department, and that we have too many dead zones in the area. Bill states that there may be some money available for this purpose, and advises that he would like this to become policy.
Bill Cavanaugh- Board of Selectmen- Bill explains that the previous requests for repeaters never actually made it to the select board . Bill asks Chris when their request would have to be put in by. Chris explains that if the project is still on going, then it would be no problem to do it, if however, the project is finished, he could then refer them to someone that could do it. Bill asks if the tower changes hands, is their a guarantee the tower be taken down. Chris replies-yes.
Donald Munger- abutter- Donald states that he is concerned about his property value dropping and possibly not being able to sell his house in the future. Chris advises that there has been no data supporting this. He explains that there has been no detrimental effect to property values. Mr. Ciolfi adds that this is a customer driven project/need and that they are just trying to serve the customer.
Robert Gorden- private citizen- states that there is no statistical evidence of dropping property values, however, being close to a cell tower is most undesirable.
Nandor Sala- States that in rural areas, people do still have land-line phones.
Susan Percer- Concerned about the RF Conditions. Susan states that standards here in the U.S. are very lax compared to different countries. Mr. Ciolfi assures Susan that AT& T always carefully monitors all their equipment to make sure they are always compliant.
David Graves- resident of Becket for 34 years- asks if workmen have to wear protection? Chris explains that they do not. Mr. Graves asks about long term studies. Mr. Ciolfi states that there are not any long-term studies yet.
Jan Elovirta- asks if AT&T is hooked up to the other towers we currently have. Mr. Ciolfi confirms that they are.
Jan Elovirta- asks if the tower is contingent on the Chester tower. Mr. Ciolfi explains that this tower is not contingent on the Chester tower and that the study shows that the Chester tower will not cover all areas.
Nandor Sala- asks if the problem is the AT&T tower or is it a weak signal. Mr. Ciolfi confirms that Verizon has a similar coverage pattern.
Alice Briggs- reporter for the Country Journal, however speaking tonight as a private resident- is the tower customer driven? Who are these customers? Mr. Ciolfi informs ms. Briggs that AT&T has a responsibility to provide a certain level of coverage to its customers.
David Graves-Berkshire Berries- David states that he is a 34 year long resident in the Town of
Becket. Mr. Graves advises that he too has had an offer in the past from Mariner Tower to put a tower on their property. Mr. Graves explains that he is a bee-keeper. He shows photographs of his hive from the upper side of Manhattan. Mr. Graves goes on to explain that the electro-magnetic waves interfere with the honey bees and their gathering of the nectar and pollen. Honeybees diminish in numbers, become more susceptible to diseases and mites, leave the hive, never to come back again. Mr. Graves adds that they also make jams, maple syrup and have chickens/eggs. He explains that he does not want the DNA of his plants to be disturbed.
Nandor Sala- reads aloud letter from EPA- 2002.
Susan Percer- introduces herself as a new resident. Ms. Percer reads aloud letter referencing coverage and holes in coverage in hilly areas.
Mary Graves-Berkshire Berries- asks Mr. Ciolfi if there is a VOF/FAA tower in Chester. Mr. Ciolfi says he does not know.
David Graves- states that in 2007 , he contested a proposed Verizon cell tower, and soon thereafter, he noticed numerous low-flying planes over his home.
Allison Atlas- questions if microwaves do similar things.
David Graves- states that he also grows garlic and potatoes, both of which have gotten progressively smaller over the years.
Nandor Sala- asks Mr. Ciolfi what the term of the lease is? Mr. Ciolfi explains that it is not a matter of public knowledge.
Public participation closes.
Ms. LaBelle explains that the board needs to pick a date to continue the hearing and also a date to schedule the balloon flight. Mr. Ciolfi says the sooner the better as far as he is concerned. Dates for the balloon flight are discussed. Mr. Ciolfi explains that early in the morning usually works best and is when the wind is low. The board members along with Mr. Ciolfi choose a series of 4 Saturdays for scheduling the balloon flight. In case of inclement weather, the flight would automatically be rescheduled to the next advertised Saturday. The proposed dates to fly the balloon are: January 23rd, January 30th, February 6th, February 13th. Dimensions of the balloon are discussed. Mr. Ciolfi advises that the balloon will be a red weather balloon, 3 ½ feet in diameter.
Hearing date Continued until March 24th, 2010.
Budget- Read and Reviewed
Correspondence-Read and Reviewed
Schedule Next Meeting for January 13th, 2010.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed_____________________________ Date________________
Gale LaBelle
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Martin Schlanger
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Robert Podolski
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Ann Krawet
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Barbara Stuhlman