Becket Planning Board
Approved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday , September 9th, 2009
Planning Board Members Present: Gale LaBelle, Martin Schlanger, Ann Krawet , Barbara Stuhlman.
Planning Board Members Absent: Robert Podolski, Stanley Oransky
Members of the public present:None
Meeting called to order: 7:00 pm
Review and Acceptance of Meeting Minutes from August 12th, 2009: Mr.Martin Schlanger makes a motion to accept the minutes as presented; Ms. Ann Krawet seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
Public Participation:None
New Business: Informational Packets for upcoming October Hearing for Mr. Joseph Marino/Becket Motel are passed out to all board members present for their review.
Board members discuss the date of the November meeting being Wednesday, November 11th/Veteran’s Day. A motion is made to change the date to Wednesday, November 18th; realizing the Town Hall will be closed on the 11th to observe the holiday; Unanimous Approval.
Budget- Read and Reviewed
Correspondence- Read and Reviewed
Ms. Gale LaBelle makes a motion to adjourn meeting; Ms. Barbara Stuhlman seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
Meeting adjourns at 7:25 pm
Next Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, October 14th , 2009 .
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Ann Krawet
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Marty Schlanger
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Barbara Stuhlman
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Gale LaBelle