Becket Planning Board
Approved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday , July 8th, 2009
Planning Board Members Present: Martin Schlanger, Robert Podolski , Stanley Oransky, Ann Krawet , Barbara Stuhlman.
Planning Board Members Absent: Gale LaBelle.
Members of the public present: None
Meeting called to order: 7:12 pm
Robert Podolski, stands in for Chairperson; Gale LaBelle. Mr. Podolski opens meeting and reads aloud opening meeting procedures for board members present.
Review and Acceptance of Meeting Minutes from June 10th, 2009: Mr.Robert Podolski makes a motion to accept the minutes as presented; Mr. Schlanger seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
Public Participation: None
Old Business:
Historical Commission permit for “Monument” not a sign; read and reviewed.
New Business:
Ms. Ann Krawet advises board members present that she and Ms. LaBelle had attended a meeting held at BCC last week on wind turbines. Ms. Krawet goes on to explain that there is a proposal to erect up to 800 turbines state-wide, with the overwhelming majority (550) in Berkshire County. Ms. Krawet explains that approx. 1/5 of the attendees present at this meeting were in favor of this proposal; the rest were opposed . Berkshire Regional Planning Commission voted against the proposed law. Ms. Krawet goes on to explain that this proposal would “trump” all state and local laws and take away any rights that we may currently have when it comes to regulating these proposed turbines. Ms. Krawet goes on to explain that this could cause much destruction of our forestry. Other concerns were
to include the lights placed on top of turbines could adversely affect the towns in which they were in, as well as electricity issues, etc. Ms. Krawet states that some of the commenters at the meeting stated that the second-home owner/tourist economy in Berkshire County would be negatively impacted.
Ms. Krawet states that she has sent a letter to Senator Downing in regards to this proposed law and advises that Berkshire Regional Planning Commission votes against it, stating that the people feel that the law may have been written with haste and without the consideration of the local people. Mr. Schlanger and Mr. Oransky agree that wind turbines will have a large role in the future, however there are many important issues that need to be considered. Mr. Podolski also agrees stating that there is a fine line there that needs to be considered. Barbara Stuhlman warns that this law as it stands would supersede any town/local input, leaving the state with total control and leaving the towns responsible for many costs such as being responsible for the creating and maintaining of the roads that would be necessary for
these turbines. Ms. Krawet states that the meeting was very last minute, and poorly advertised . She states that more people could have planned on being in attendance had it been advertised and planned more efficiently. Ms. Krawet passes out copies of the proposed turbines and the areas in which they may be erected to all board members present. Board members review and discuss.
Mr. Schlanger requests a copy of the town bylaws for signs for Becket General Store. Mr. Podolski agrees to drop copies of the bylaws off at the store for Al Lussier.
Budget- Read and Reviewed
Correspondence- Read and Reviewed
Mr. Martin Schlanger makes a motion to adjourn meeting; Ms. Barbara Stuhlman seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
Meeting adjourns at 7:51 pm
Next Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, August 12th,2009
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Ann Krawet
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Marty Schlanger
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Robert Podolski
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Stanley Oransky
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Barbara Stuhlman