Becket Planning Board
Approved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday , June 10th, 2009
Planning Board Members Present: Gale LaBelle; Chairperson , Martin Schlanger, Robert Podolski
Planning Board Members Absent:Ann Krawet, Barbara Stuhlman, Stanley Oransky.
Members of the public present: None
Meeting called to order: 7:05 pm
Review and Acceptance of Meeting Minutes from May 13th, 2009: Mr. Martin Schlanger makes a motion to accept the minutes as presented; Mr. Podolski seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
Public Participation: None
Old Business:
Historical Commission sign presentation/letter received by chairperson/ permit granted.
Ms. LaBelle receives and reads aloud letter submitted by Chairperson of the Historical Commission, Robert Gorden. Board members briefly discuss the letter and it’s contents. Board is informed that the Historical Commission has been granted the permit requested.Board members present discuss the different options that could have been available to the Historical Commission. Board members request that a letter be drafted and sent to the Select Board requesting that Mr. Gorden come before the Planning Board with a presentation regarding this sign. Board members also would like Select Board to be asked why in this situation the Zoning Enforcer trumped the Planning Board and what may be done about this.
New Business:
Budget- Read and Reviewed
Correspondence- Read and Reviewed
Mr. Martin Schlanger makes a motion to adjourn meeting; Mr. Podolski seconds motion: Unanimous Approval.
Meeting adjourns at 7:30 pm
Next Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, July 8th,2009
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Gale LaBelle ; Chairperson
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Marty Schlanger
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Robert Podolski