Becket Planning Board
Approved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday , May 13th, 2009
Planning Board Members Present: Gale LaBelle; Chairperson , Ann Krawet, Barbara Stuhlman, Martin Schlanger, Stanley Oransky.
Planning Board Members Absent: Robert Podolski.
Members of the public present: None
Meeting called to order: 7:05 pm
Review and Acceptance of Meeting Minutes from April 15th, 2009: Mr. Martin Schlanger makes a motion to accept the minutes as presented; Mr. Stanley Oransky seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
Public Participation: None
Old Business: Board members re-read and discuss letter received last month from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant.
New Business: Ms.Barbara Stuhlman makes a presentation on behalf of the Historical Commission. Ms. Stuhlman explains that the Town of Becket has been given a sign that belonged to the original Becket Train Station. Ms. Stuhlman explains that the Commission would like to put the sign up in the Town Park. Ms. Stuhlman advises that Mr. Robert Gorden has applied for the proper permits through the Building Inspector and that the Town Administrator has been made aware of the Historical Commission’s intentions. Ms. Stuhlman confirms that the Commission would be doing all the work. The fact that the sign would be considered an informational sign , along with the dimensions, placement, coloring, materials involved; are all discussed by board members present. Ms. Ann Krawet expresses her concerns as far as setting
a precedent , going against what the by-laws state and making exceptions in some particular cases. The hanging of the sign along with railroad ties vs. chains are also discussed. Ms. Stuhlman thanks the board members and explains that she will take the suggestions and ideas presented back to the Historical Commission and have them also discuss it.
Ms. Krawet passes out to members present an “Act Relative to Land Use” document(s) that she had acquired from attending a recent meeting. Ms. Krawet asks board members present to please take the documents home, review them and be sure to let Rep. Guyer how you feel about them.
Budget- Read and Reviewed
Correspondence- Read and Reviewed
Ms. LaBelle makes a motion to adjourn meeting; Mr. Schlanger seconds motion: Unanimous Approval.
Meeting adjourns at 8:05 pm
Next Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, June 10th, 2009.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Gale LaBelle ; Chairperson
Signed______________________________ Date _______________
Ann Krawet
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Marty Schlanger
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Barbara Stuhlman
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Stanley Oransky