The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Town of Becket
Planning Board Meeting
Working Agenda
January 9th, 2013, - 7pm- Town Hall-557 Main Street
As of 01/07/13 order of agenda is subject to change
1. Approval of Minutes of December 12th, 2012 Meeting Minutes.
2. Form A- Salvini and Associates, Capeless property.
3. Foresight Land Services- Informal discussion- Possible Revision of Subdivision Road.
4. Public Participation
5. Old Business
a. Continued Review- Planning Board Rules and Regulations, as drafted by Mr.
Robert Ronzio.
b. Large Wind Turbine Bylaw Sub-Committee
c. Annual Report
6. New Business
7. Correspondence
8. Budget
9. Schedule next Meeting for February 13th, 2013.
Planning Board Correspondence