The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Town of Becket
Planning Board
Working Agenda
May 25th, 2011- 7 pm- Town Hall-557 Main Street
As of 05/02/11 order of agenda is subject to change
1. Approval of Minutes of April 13th, 2011.
2. Public Hearing Continuation- Mark and Kristen Sotille, 609 Main Street, Applicants request a Special Permit for proposed gas station.
3. Public Participation
4. New Business :
4A-Kelly Granger and Parsons; Form A :
a. Bruneau / County Road
b. Guarducci / Dimmock Road
c. Lipinski / County Road & Route 8
4B-Michael Rhein- Crystal Pond
4C- Informational packets for upcoming hearing
5. Budget
6. Correspondence
7. Schedule next Meeting for June 8th, 2011
Planning Board Correspondence