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Planning Board Agenda 11/18/09
11162009_122625_0.png          The Commonwealth of Massachusetts

   Town of Becket
            MASSACHUSETTS 01223


Planning Board
Working Agenda
November 18th, 2009

As of 11/16/09 order of agenda is subject to change

  • Approval of Minutes of October 14th, 2009
  • Form A- John Campetti ; Foresight Engineering- Property of Lori Speranzo, located on McNerney Road
  • Public Hearing Continuation- request for Special Permit; Joseph Marino- Becket Motel, 29 Chester Road.
  • Public Participation
  • New Business: Cell Tower Information Packets
  • Budget
  • Correspondence
  • Schedule Next meeting for Wednesday December 9th, 2009


Planning Board Correspondence

  • WMECO- letter to inform of the approval for a 6MW solar program-the first approval under the Green Communities Act.
  • Becket Conservation Commission- Agenda for meeting on November 19th, 2009.
ZBA- Notification of Application of Stanley Pyrzanowski, 97 Shawnee Shore Road.
Memo-To the Selectmen-Use of Town Hall Property for the purposes of a farm stand to sell produce from the Community Garden.
  • Massachusetts Economic Development Council- Annual Meeting and Conference- Friday, December 4th, 2009.
Chris Ciofi / Mariner Tower LLC- Email to confirm escrow check has been sent.
EBI Consulting- Invitation to Comment- Proposed Cell Tower; Wade Inn and Cross Roads.