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Planning Board Agenda 09/09/09
982009_13030_0.png          The Commonwealth of Massachusetts

   Town of Becket
            MASSACHUSETTS 01223


Planning Board
Working Agenda
September 9th, 2009

As of 09/09/09 order of agenda is subject to change

  • Approval of Minutes of August 12th, 2009
  • Public Participation
  • New Business
a. Informational Packets for upcoming October Hearing; Joseph Marino- Becket Motel.

  • Budget
  • Correspondence
  • Schedule Next meeting for Wednesday October 14th, 2009


Planning Board Correspondence

  • Town of Lee Planning Board- Public Hearing Monday, September 28th, 2009 at 6:15 pm.
  • Town of Otis Planning Board- Public Hearing on Monday, September 14th, 2009 at 7:00 pm in the Otis Town Hall.
  • Town of Tyringham Planning Board- Public Hearing on Thursday, September 17th, 2009 at 7:00 in the Tyringham Town Hall, 116 Main Road.
The Highland Communities Initiative- Highland Happenings – Summer 2009 Newsletter.
  • The Massachusetts Environmental Trust- A Water Resources Conference- November 10th, 2009 ; College of the Holy Cross, Worcester Ma.
Becket Conservation Commission- Letter referencing  29 Chester Road, Map 414 lot 37.
  • Berkshire Medical Reserve Corp. / Beth VanNess- Emergency Prepardness seminar- Wednesday, September 30th, 6:00 pm, Becket Town Hall.
Becket ZBA- In Town Notification for upcoming public hearing for Scott and Julie Craumer, 9 Peterson Road, Map 204 Lot 84.
Law Seminars International; Energy in the NorthEast, November 9 & 10 , Boston Ma.
  • Law Seminars International; Permitting Renewable Energy Projects Seminar- September 21st, 2009; Boston Marriott Long Wharf Hotel.