Local Historic District Study Committee
Meeting Minutes – 6 October 2007
Present: Aaron Beatty, Jennifer Beatty, Alice Briggs, Victor Cestari, Sarah Francis, Zina Jayne, Josh Lombard, Rob Gordon, and Barbara Stuhlmann.
It was decided to wait until a future meeting to appoint a secretary and a chair person / facilitator. For this meeting it was agreed that Rob Gordon would lead the meeting and Zina Jayne would take notes.
The issue of taxes increasing as a result of Local Historic District status was discussed at some length. Included in this conversation was the concern that Becket remain affordable to Becket natives, as well as concerns about gentrification.
It was clarified that there is no formal connection between the Becket Historic Commission and this advisory committee.
The Local Historic District By-Law template was discussed in general terms. Members discussed pros and cons of forming a Local Historic District.
There was specific discussion as to whether paint color and / or siding would be restricted in proposed by-laws for Becket, as well as how it would affect additions to existing homes. The Committee discussed the restrictiveness and intent of the by-laws. It was agreed that for the next meeting members would bring notes on specific by-laws, including changes in content and wording. It was also agreed that members would come to the next meeting ready to discuss motives for creating a Local Historic District.
It was suggested that we confer with the committee that formed the Ashley Falls Local Historic District to see what suggestions they may have about this process. Rob agreed to speak with them.
It was suggested that, for the purposes of being transparent and avoiding the appearance of impropriety, the Committee should meet at Town Hall. Rob volunteered to look into this possibility. There was general agreement that the Committee does wish to be open to public input, but is not currently ready to address the general public.
It was agreed that at least for the beginning the Committee should meet every two weeks.
meeting notes by Zina Jayne